Andyodaya Anna Yojana, Balika Samridhi Yojana, Bharat Nirman, Indira Awaas
Yojana, Integrated Child Development Scheme, Jawahar Rozgar Yojana,
Kudumbasree, Mahila Samridhi Yojana, National Food for Work Programme,
NRDP, NREGP, Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana, Rural Development Pradhan
Mantri Adharsh Gram Yojana, Samagra Awaas Yojana, Sampoorna Grameen
Rozgar Yojana, Valmiki Ambedkar Awaas Yojana, Rural Landless Employment
1.Insurance protection to BPL is known as :
a) Am admi yojana
b) Jawahar Rozgar Yojana
c) Janashree Bima Yojana
d) None of the above
Answer:-Janashree Bima Yojana
2.In which year was the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Introduced?
a) 1965
b) 1975
c) 1985
d) 1995
3.Indira Awaas Yojana was launched in the year:
a) 1984
b) 1985
c) 1986
d) 1987
4.Balika Samridhi Yojana is:
a) Fully Centrally Sponsored Scheme
b) Fully State Sponsored Scheme
c) 50:50 is shared by Centre and State concerned
d) None of the above
Muncipal Secratary 2015
Answer:-Fully Centrally Sponsored Scheme
5.PMAGY is:
a) Prime Minister Adharsh Grameen Yojana
b) Pradhan Mantri Adharsh Grameen Yojana
c) Prime Mahila Aadhar Grama Yojana
d) Primary Maha Aadhar Grama Yojana
Answer:-Pradhan Mantri Adharsh Grameen Yojana
6.The National Rural Employment Gurantee Act was passed in the year:
a) 2005
b) 2003
c) 2006
d) 2001
7.JRY was started in 1989 by merging two erstwhile employment programs.Which were those?
a) Bharat Nirman and NREGP
b) Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana and Bharat Nirman
c) National Rural Employment Programme(NREP)and Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme(RLEGP)
d) NRDP and National Food for Work Program
Answer:-National Rural Employment Programme(NREP)and Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme(RLEGP)
8.Which one of the following statements with regard to the ‘Make in India’ initiative of the Government of India is not correct?
a) Inorder to guide the foreign investors, a body named ‘Invest India’ has been created.
b) The Government has identified key sectors with potential to attract investment.
c) The initiative also aims to identify selected domestic companies having leadership in innovation and new technology for turning them into global champion.
d) The programme is being implemented by the Ministry of Finance.
9.Which is the thrust area of Prime minister’s Rozgar Yojana?
a)Old age people
b)Unemployed youth
c)Destitute woman
d)Differentially able population
Answer:-Unemployed youth
10.Expand IAY :
a)Indian Antipoverty Yojana
b)Integrated Antipoverty Yojana
c)Indian Awaas Yojana
d)Indira Awaas Yojana
Answer:-Indira Awaas Yojana
11.When did ‘Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana’ formally launched?
12.Which is the grass root functionary of Kudambasree?
13.Expand NREGP:
a)National Rural Education Growth Programme
b)National Road and Electricity Generating Programme
c)National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme
d)National Railway Engineering Growth Project
Answer:-National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme
14.When was ‘Antyodaya Anna Yojana’ launched?
a)August 15, 2000
b)August 15, 2010
c)December 25, 2000
d)December 25, 2010
Answer:-December 25, 2000
15.Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana was dedicated to the nation by the prime minister:
a) Dr. Manmohan Singh
b) Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
c) Shri Rajeev Gandhi
d) Shri V P singh
Answer:-Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
16.Micro credit, entrepreneurship and empowerment are three important components of:
c) Kudumbasree
17.Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) is connected with:
a) Special nutrition program
b) Mid day meal
c) Public distribution system
d) None of the above
Answer:-Public distribution system
18.Which of the following is a service under the Integrated Child Development Services(ICDS) Scheme?
a) Immunization
b) Pre-school non formal education
c) Referral services
d) None of the above
Answer:-Referral services
19.The benefits of Balika Samridhi Yojana are restricted to
a) One girl children in a household irrespective of number of children in the household.
b) Two girl children in a household irrespective of number of children in the household.
c) All the girl children in a household irrespective of number of children in the household.
d) Three girl children in a household irrespective of number of children in the household.
Answer:-Two girl children in a household irrespective of number of children in the household.
20.The beneficiaries of Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) are selected from
a) The list of members of ST community approved by the Gramasabha.
b) The poorest of the poor list approved by the Grama Sabha.
c) The below poverty line(BPL) list approved by the GramaSabha.
d) None of the Sabha
Answer:-The below poverty line(BPL) list approved by the GramaSabha.
1. The founder of ‘Samathwa Samajam”:
Ayya Vaikundar

2. The founder of ‘Travancore Ezhava Sabha’:

3. Sree Narayana Guru visited the Satyagrahis at Vaikkom in: 1924

4. The Maharaja of Travancore who invitedThycaud Ayya to his palace and became his
disciple? Swati Tirunal

5. One of the leaders of Kerala renaissanmce who served as the manager of Residency in
Thiruvananthapuram? Thycaud Ayya

6. Panmana Ashramam is related to:
Chattampi Swamikal
7. Prabodha Chandrodayam Sabha patronised by Pandit Karuppan had its seat at: North
8. Sahodaran Ayyappan launched ‘Mishrabhojanam’ programme at Cherayi
in: 1917
9. Sivagiri Theerthadanam, was conceived by Vallabhasseri Govindan Vaidyar and _____-
T K Kittan Writer
10. Who was instrumental in the establishment of “Muslim Aikya Sangham”, a united Muslim forum for all the Muslims of the Travancore, Cochin and Malabar regions?   
   Vakkom Maulavi
11. Who was also known as ‘Kumara Gurudevan’?
Poikayil Yohannan
12. Who was also known by the name ‘Sree Bhatarakan’? Chattampi Swamikal
13. Who was born in 1814 in Nakalapuram? Thycaud Ayya
14. Who was called the ‘Lincoln of Kerala’? Pandit Karuppan
15. Sree Narayana Dharma Sangham was registed in: 1928
16. Sree Narayana Guru made his first visit to Sri Lanka in: 1918
17. The founder of All Travancore Muslim Mahajanasabha : Vakkom Moulavi
18. Kumaranasan passed away in: 1924
19. Kumaranasan was born in the year: 1873
20. Kummampalli Raman pillai Asan was the teacher of: Sree Narayana Guru
21. Name the organisation jointly launched by
Mannath Padmanabhan and R.Sankar: Hindu
Maha Mandalam
22. Name the social reformer who had contacts
with Sree Narayana Guru and Brahmananda
Sivayogi: Vagbhatananda
23. Name the social reformer whose education
was started after attaining the age of 17:
24. The founder of Ananda Maha Sabha-
Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi
25. Who founded ‘Vidhyaposhini’, a cultural
organisation? Sahodaran Ayyappan
26. Who founded Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva
Sabha? Poikayil Yohannan
27. Who started the publication of a journal called
‘Abhinava Kerala’? Vagbhatananda
28. Who studied at the ‘Patasala’ of Pettayil
Raman Pillai asan and became the monitor
of the class? Chattampi Swamikal
29. Who translated the ‘Atmopadeshasatakam’
of Sree Narayana Guru into English with the
Title ‘Centiloquy to the Self”? Nataraja Guru
30. Who translated the dialogue between Tagore
and Narayana Guru into Malayalam during
Tagore’s visit to Sivagiri? Kumaranasan
31. The name ‘Muthukutty’ was the childhood
name of: Ayya Vaikundar
 32. The first to establish a printing press in Kerala
without foreign support: Kuriakode Elias
33. The founder of ‘Islam Dharma Paripalana
Sangham’: Vakkom Moulavi
34. “Ask not, Say not, think not caste” are the
words of: Sree Narayana Guru
35. ‘Adwaitha Chintha Paddhathi was written by’:
Chattampi Swamikal
36. ‘Baalaakalesam’ was autored by: Pandit
37. ‘Daiva Dasakam’ was authored by: Sree
Narayana Guru
38. “His grandfather Hrishikesan and his father
Muthukumaran were great yogis and were
migrated to Tamilnadu from Pampumkadu in
Malabar during Tipu Sultan’s aggression. Lord
Subramanya was their family deity. At the age
of 12, he received spiritual initiation from two
Tamil Saints, Sachidananda Maharaj and Sri
Chitti Paradeshi.”-The person mentioned here
is: Thycaud Ayya
39. “I consider it the greatest good fortune of my
life to have visited the beautiful Travancore
state and met the most venerable saint, Sree
Narayana Guru Swami trippadangal” Who
wrote these words in the guest book at
Sivagiri?- Gandhiji

40. The leaders of renaissance who were born
in 1863: Ayyankali and Dr.Palpu
41. The Malayalam poet who had prominent
Buddhist influence in his writings:
42. The mouth piece of Sadhujana Paripalana
Sangham, started in 1913: Sadhujana
43. The Ezhava Memorial of 1900 was submitted
before: Lord Curzon
44. The first European disciple of Sree Narayana
Guru: Ernest Kirk
45. The first medical graduate from Ezhava
community in Travancore: Dr.Palpu
46. Acts that one performs For one’s own sake
Should also aim for the good Of other menare
the words of:
Sree Narayana Guru
47. “Without differences of caste,Nor enmities of
creed, Here it is, the model of an abode,where
all live like brothers at heart” - these words
were inscribed by Narayana Guru on a plaque
at: Aruvippuram
48. “The people who form the Ezhava samajam
and Nair samajam are themselves
proclaiming that they are non-Brahmins and
are of backward class, thereby destroying
their eminence and unity”-Who said this?
Brahmananda Sivayogi
49. “To change the Nampoothiri into human” was
the slogan of which organisation?
Yogakshema Sabha
50. “Whatever the religion, attire, language and
such other things of human kind, as they
belong to same caste (species) there is no
harm in interdining and intermarriage between
them”-Sree Narayana Guru made this
suggestion to: Sahodaran Ayyappan
51. In which state is Marutwamala? Tamil Nadu
(Kanyakumari district)
52. In which year Dr.P.Palpu was born? 1863
53. In which year Kumaranasan became the
president of S.N.D.P.Yogam? 1923
54. In which year Kuriakose Elias Chavara was
born? 1805
55. In which year Narayana Guru did the
prathishta of the goddess Sree Sarada at
Sivagiri ?1912 (April)
56. In which year Sadhujana Paripalana
Sangham became ‘Pulaya Mahasabha’? 1938
57. In which year Sree Narayana Guru
established Adwaithasramam at Aluva? 1914
58. In which year Thycaud Ayya passed away ?
59. “Not for argument but to know and inform
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others” these words were the theme of the
conferece held at____ under the leadership
of Sree Narayana Guru in 1924: Aluva
60. “Organize and strengthen, Educate and
Enlighten” are the words of: Sree Narayana
61. “Oru jathy, oru matham ,oru Daivom” (“Intha
ulakathile orae oru jathy than, Orae oru
matham than, orae oru kadavul than” ) is the
Malayalam translation of Thycaud Ayya’s
teaching . Who popularised it? Sree
Narayana Guru
62. Dr.Palpu served in the medical service under
the government of: Mysore
63. From where the Begging March of
V.T.Bhatathirippad was started? Thrissur
64. ‘I have been touring different parts of the
world. During these travels, I have had the
good fortune to come into contact with several
saints and maharshis. But I have frankly to
admit that I have never come across one who
is spiritually greater than Swami Sree
Narayana Guru of Kerala” Whose words are
these? Rabindranath Tagore
65. In What was the aim of Begging March
(Yachana Yatra) organised by
V.T.Bhatathirippad ?- to provide opportunity
of education for poor children
66. In which district was the Perinad strike held?
67. Moksha Pradeepa Khandanam was written
by: Chattampi Swamikal
68. Name the leader of renaissance who became
a minister in Travancore Cochin: Sahodaran
69. Who was honoured by the Maharaja of
Cochin with the title ‘Kavithilakan’? Pandit
70. Who was known as the ‘Saint without
Saffron’? Chattampi Swamikal
71. Who was named Komaran at his birth?
Poikayil Yohannan
72. Who was respectfully called “Superintend
Ayya”? Thycaud Ayya
73. Who was the Chief Minister when the
Government of Kerala decided to return the
press that had been confiscated in 1910 to
the descendants of Vakkom Maulavi, in 1957?
74. Who was the first to introduc the system
called “A school along with every church”?
Kuriakose Elias Chavara
75. Name the leader of renaissance who was
ousted from his caste for the reason of
attending the Ahmedabad Congress Session
of 1921? V.T.Bhatatirippad
76. Name the leader related to the ‘Muthukulam
Speech’ of 1947? Mannath Padmanabhan
77. Name the leaders of renaissance of Kerala
who kept a warm relationship throughout their
life from the beginnig of their friendship? Sree
Narayana Guru and Chattampi Swamikal
78. Name the newspaper started by
C.V.Kunhuraman in 1911 to propagate the
ideals of Sree Narayana Guru: Kerala
79. In which year was the Begging March of
V.T.Bhatathirippad? 1931
80. Jaathikkummi is the famous work of:
Pandit Karuppan
81. Jnanodayam Sabha’ was founded under
the patronage of Pandit Karuppan at:
82. Kumarakodi is the final resting place of:
83. The birth place of Mannath Padmanabhan:
84. The elegy ‘Prarodanam’ mourns the death
of his contemporary and friend ______. A.
R. Raja Raja Varma
85. The founder of Thathva Prakashika Ashram
at Kozhikode: Vagbhatananda
86. The Goverment of Travancore issued
orders to open the approach roads to
temples to all avarnas in the year: 1928
87. Nirvritipachakam was written by: Sree
Narayana Guru
88. The first member of Pulaya community to
be nominated to Travancore Legislative
Assembly: Ayyankali
89. The first Sanyasa disciple of Sree
Narayana Guru: Sivalinga Swamikal
90. The organiser of ‘Kalyanadayini Sabha’:
Pandit Karuppan
91. The original name of Thycaud Ayya was:
92. The Perinad strike was led by: Ayyankali
93. The personality who was visited by
Narayana Guru at Thiruvannamala, Tamil
nadu in 1916: Ramana Maharshi
94. The place selected by Narayana Guru when
he decided to give up his wandering life and
settle down: Varkala
95. The place where Ayyankali started a
‘Kudippallikkoodam’ for the depressed
classes in 1905? Venganur
96. The place where Ayyankali started a school
for the depressed classes in 1904:
97. The place where Dr.Palpu was born: Pettah
98. Who called Kumaranasan as ‘Chinna
Swami’? Dr.Palpu
99. Who called the rule of English as ‘White
Devil’ and the rule of the King of Travancore
as the ‘Devil of Ananthapuri’? Ayya
100. Who conferred the Title of ‘Vidwan’ upon
Pandit Karuppan in 1913? Keralavarma
Valiakoithampuran of Travancore
101. Narayana Guru’s second visit to Sri Lanka
was in: 1926
102. Neelakanda Theerthapadar was the
disciple of: Chattampi Swamikal
103. The place where Narayana guru is believed
to have attained a state of Enlightenment:
104. The real name of Brahmananda Sivayogi:
Karat Govindankutty Menon
105. Who ousted god from the centre and placed
mind in its place? Brahmananda Sivayogi
106. Who passed away on the previous day of
India becoming a republic? Dr.Palpu
107. Who patronised ‘Sudharma Sooryodaya
Sabha’ at Thevara? Pandit Karuppan
108. The real name of Vagbhatananda
Gurudevar- V.K.Gurukkal
109. Vakkom Abdul Khadir Moulaviwas born in
1873 in _____ district. Thiruvananthapuram
110. Vakkom Maulavi passed away in: 1932
111. Vedadhikara Niroopanam was authored by:
Chattampi Swamikal
112. The birth place of Chattampi Swamikal:-
Kollur (Kannammula)
113. What was the pet name of Chattampi
Swamikal: Kunjan
114. The social reformer who inspired the
formation of ‘Karshaka Sangham’ in
Malabar: Vagbhatananda
115. The social reformer who said “Mind is God”:
Brahmananda Sivayogi
116. The third signatory in the Malayali Memorial
(1891) a mass petition signed by more than
10000 persons submitted before Sree Mulam
Tirunal, the King of Travancore: Dr.Palpu
117. The Visit of Mahathma Gandhi at Vaikom
Satyagraha in the year-1925
118. Who advised Dr. Palpu to associate with
some spiritual person in his effort to fight for
the rights of the Ezhavas? Vivekananda
119. Who advised the organisers of Vaikom
Satyagraha to conduct ‘Savarna Jatha’?
Mahathma Gandhi
120. The birth place of Vaikunta Swamikal:
121. Which agitation is also known as
“Thonnooramand Lahala’? Oorutapalam
122. Which organisation inspired Ayyan Kali to
establish Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham?
SNDP Yogam
123. Who authored ‘Mokshapradeepam’?
Brahmananada Sivayogi
124. The remains of Chavara Kuriakose Alias is
kept at: Mannanam
125. Who called Kumaranasan “the Poet of
Renaissance’? Thayatt Sankaran
126. Who authored ‘Anandasutram’?
Brahmananada Sivayogi
127. Who authored ‘Divyakokilam’ as a tribute to
Rabindranath Tagore? Kumaranasan
128. The work of Kumaranasan based on
Buddhist legend:
129. The work of Kumaranasan that depicts the
fact ‘Mamsanibhadamalla ragam’ (Love is
not an artifact of flesh): Leela
130. The work of Kumaransan on the background
of the Malabar Rebellion of 1921:
131. The world rises from love /And attains
progress with love,/Love is itself the power
of the world,/Love brings happiness to all; /
Love is life itself, sir,/And Love’s absence is
death”-The work of Kumaranasan which
depicts the sacredness of love :
132. The year of Liberation Struggle -1959
133. The year of Perinad Revolt led by Ayyankali:
134. Who founded the Siddhasramam at Alathur?
Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi
135. Who gave a detailed explanation of
‘Chinmudra’ to Swami Vivekananda when
he visited Kerala? Chattampi Swamikal
136. Who gave financial aid to Kumaranasan to
get education from Bangalore and Kolkata?
137. Who headed a deputation which submitted
a memoradum signed by 23000 persons
before the Regent Queen during the
Vaikom Satyagraha? Changanassery
Parameswaran Pillai
138. Who introduced Thycaud Ayya to Sree
Narayana Guru? Chattampi Swamikal
139. Who expounded the concept of
‘Aananthajathi’? Brahmananda Sivayogi
140. Who expounded the philosophy
“Snehamanakhilasaramoozhiyil” (Love is all
in this world) in his writings? Kumaranasan
141. Who undertook a studentship in poetry
under Manamboor Govindan Asan?
142. Who was declared as his successor by Sree
Narayana Guru in 1925? Bodhananda
143. Who was given the name ‘Mudichoodum
Perumal’ by his parents? Ayya Vaikundar
144. Who was the only person who was
exempted from court appearances in civil
cases by Government of Travancore? Sree
Narayana Guru
145. Who wrote Darshanamala? Sree Narayana
146. Who wrote introduction to ‘Nalini’ written by
Kumaranasan: A.R.Rajaraja Varma
147. Who, on the basis of logical reasoning
rejected all existing religions and at the
same time established a new religion called
‘Aananthamath’? Brahmananda Sivayogi
148. Whom Sardar K.M.Panicker called the
‘Madan Mohan Malavya of Kerala’?
Mannath Padmanabhan
149. Whose childhood name was ‘Kumaru’?
150. The headquarters of Prathyaksha Raksha
Daiva Sabha: Eraviperoor
151. The last Sanyasa disciple of Sree Narayana
Guru: Anandatheertha Swamikal
152. The author of ‘Adukkalayilninnu
Arangathekku’: V.T.Bhatathirippad
153. Cochin Pulaya Maha Sabha was founded
by: Pandit Karuppan
154. Who organised interdining at Kozhikode and
called it “Preethibhojanam”? Vagbhatananda
155. Who presided over the All Communities
Conference organised by Ayyankali on 10th
December 1915 in connection with the Perinad
strike? Changanassery Parameswaran
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156. Who raised the concept of ‘Dravida dalit’
who is neither Hindu nor Christian?
157. Who said “No caste, no religion, no god for
man”: Sahodaran Ayyappan
158. Who said these words “I installed my siva;
not a Brahmin siva”? Sree Narayana Guru
159. Who started the publication ‘Saragrahi’ to
propagate his ideals? Brahmananda
160. After becoming the disciple of Sree
Narayana Guru to which place Kumaru
(Kumaranasan) was sent for higher studies
in Sanskrit? Bangalore
161. Who is regarded as the father of the
renaissance of Kerala? Sree Narayana
162. Who led the first organised strike of
agricultural labourers in Travancore?
163. Aggrieved by the death of Sree Chattambi
Swamikal, who wrote a condolence poem
namely ‘Samadhi Sapthakam’? Pandit
164. Al-Islam , The Muslim and Deepika were
published by- Vakkom Moulavi
165. Araya Vamsodharani Sabha had its seat at:
166. Atmopadeshasatakam was authored by:
Sree Narayana Guru
167. Ayyankali passed away in: 1941
168. Bodheswaran, Perunnelli Krishnan
Vaidhyan, Velutheri Kesavan Vaidhyan,
Kumbalath Sanku Pillai etc were grihastha
disciples of : Chattampi Swamikal
169. Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi was born in:
170. The place which was selected by Nanu
Asan (Narayana Guru) as his abode for
meditation and spiritual activities:
171. The prefix ‘Mahakavi’ awarded to
Kumaranasan by Madras University in the
year ___.1922
172. The presiding deity of the Thycaud Ayya
Swami Temple: Shiva
173. The name ‘Sivagiri’ was given to the mount
at Varkala by: Sree Narayana Guru
174. The name ‘Vagbhatananda’ was given to
V.K.Gurukkal by - Sivayogi of Alathur
175. The name of the boat Kumaranasan was
travelling before he met an accident that
caused his death: Redeemer
176. The novel ‘Guru’ depicts the life of Sree
Narayana Guru is authored by:
177. Who is called the father of literacy in
Kerala? Kuriakose Elias Chavara
178. Who called Kumaranasan ‘Viplavathinte
Sukranakshatram’? Joseph Mundassery
179. Who exhorted ‘Mattuvin Chattangele’
(Change the rules)? Kumaranasan
180. The only foreign country visited by Sree
Narayana Guru: Sri Lanka
181. The only Keralite whose birth day and death
anniversary are declared holiday by the
Government of Kerala: Sree Narayana
182. The publication ‘The Muslim’ was launched
by Vakkom Moulavi in: 1906
183. Chattampi Swamikal aquired self realization
at: Vadaveeswaram
184. Who is referred to as the “father of muslim
renaissance in Kerala”? Vakkom Moulavi
185. Who led the starvation march? V.T.Bhatatirippad
186. Vagbhatananda Gurudevar was a disciple
of : Sree Narayana Guru
187. Who became the editor of ‘Yukthivadi’
magazine in 1928? Sahodaran Ayyappan
188. Who became the first president of the
Travancore Devaswam Board in 1949?
Mannath Padmanabhan
189. Who called Kerala “a lunatic asylum’?
190. ‘Navamanjari’ written by Sree Narayana
Guru is dedicated to: Chattampi Swamikal
191. ‘Prachina Malayalam’ was authored by:
Chattampi Swamikal
192. “ Whatever may be the religion of a man, it
is enough if he becomes virtuous “ are the
words of: Sree Narayana Guru
193. “ Liquor is poison, make it not, sell it not,
drink it not” are the words of: Sree Narayana
194. “Freedom alone is nectar divine;
Freedom is life itself;
To a self-respecting people
Slavery is more terrible than death”- Who
wrote these lines? Kumaranasan
195. The only poet in Malayalam who became
‘mahakavi’ without writing a ‘mahakavyam’:
196. Who is regared as the greatest Keralite of
20th century? Sree Narayana Guru
197. Who led ‘Kallumala (Stone ornament)
Agitation”? Ayyankali
198. Who led agitation against oozhiyavela
(forced labour)? Ayya Vaikunatar
199. The last temple consecrated by Sree
Narayana Guru: Kalavankode
200. The leaders of renaissance who passed
away in the same year of 1924: Chattampi
Swamikal and Kumaranasan


207.Mandapathum Vathukkal in Travancore was
equivalent to: Taluk
208.Who was appointed by Marthanda Varma to
regularise the tax system in Travancore?
Mallan Sankaran
209.The first city in Kerala where public transport
service was introduced:Thiruvananthapuram
210.The country which provided support to Idukky
211. The king of Travancore when Malayali
Memorial and Ezhava Memorial were
submitted?Sri Mulam Tirunal
212.Who was the first signatory of Malayali
Memorial? K.P.Sankara Menon
213.The first woman police station in
214.The first minister for Education in Kerala:
Joseph Mundassery
215.The first arch dam in India:Idukky
216.Who called Kochi as ‘Queen of Arabian
Sea’?R.K.Shanmukham Chetty
217.The port in Kerala associated with Indo-
Norwegian Project: Neendakara
218.The first city to be granted the status of
corporation after the formation of Kerala state:
219.The king who annexed Kollam to Travancore?
Marthanda Varma
220.The city which was the seat of Nediyiruppu
or Zamorin: Kozhikode
221.The Dewan of Travancore who introduced the
primitive form of police as ‘Kaval’: Ummini
222.The Dewan who modernised the judicial
system in Travancore: Monroe
223.The first Government women’s college in
Kerala was established at:
224.The first Inspector General of Kerala:N
Chandrasekharan Nair
225.The first international air port in
226.The first woman IPS officer in Kerala:R
227.Which is the second university in
Kerala?Calicut University
228.Who was called ‘the Marthanda Varma of
Kochi’ as he introduced several reforms?
Sakthan Thampuran
229.Who was the King of Travancore when
University of Travancore was established?
Chithira Thirunal
230.The Hajur Katcheri of Travancore was shifted
from Kollam to Thiruvananthapuram during
the reign of: Swati Tirunal
231.Malabar Special Police was formed in: 1921
232.The first Malayali woman to become chief
justice of the Kerala High Court: KK Usha
233. The founder of Kalamandalam:
Vallathol Narayana Menon
234.The Dewan of Travancore who selected
Alappuzha as the centre of his activities: Raja
235.Ayyanadikal Thiruvadikal issued the edict of
Tarisappally in:849
236.In which century Huantsang is believed to
have reached Kerala?Seventh
237.In which century Thacholi Othenan lived?
238.Malabar was brought under the British control
in 1792 and the Joint Commissioners
published a code in:1793
239.Primitive form of Kathakali: Ramanattam
240.The first justice of the Travancore High Court:
241.The first person in Kerala to write Sanskrit
Drama: Saktibhadran
242.The first private medical college in Kerala,
TD Medical College was established in the
district of: Alappuzha
243.The headquarters of areas of Malabar when
it was under the control of Tipu
244.Who is regarded as the father of the city of
Thrissur? Sakthan Thampuran
245.Raja Raja Chola invaded Kerala in: AD 1000
246.“Thekkan style’ in Kathakali was expounded
by: Kaplingattu Namboothiri
247.Subhadradhananjayam and
Thapathisamvaranam were written by:
248.In which century Kathakali was originated?
249.Jainimedu, where Kumaranasan wrote
‘Veenapoovu’ is in the district of: Palakkad
250.Malik Bin Dinar constructed mosques in
Kerala in: 644
251.Marco Polo reached Kerala in :1292
252.The first Malayali woman to get Saraswathi
253.The Moroccan traveller who visited
Kozhikode between 1342-47:Ibn Batuta
254.The most refined dance form of Kerala:
255.The period of Sankaracharya:788-820
256.The place in Kerala where St.Thomas landed
in AD52:Malyankara
257.The place Indo-Swiss Project started in
258.The port in Kerala which was developed by
Robert Bristo into a major port: Kochi
259.Who called Alappuzha ‘Venice of the East’?
Lord Curzon
260.Who gave permission to built the Anchengo
Fort in 1690? Rani of Attingal
261. The port of Kodunagallur was damaged due
to flood in:1341
262.The city of Kozhikode was founded in:1295
263.Kollam Era was started in: AD 825
264.In which district is Ramakkalmedu, the
famous tourist centre? Idukky
265.The national park which is famous for Nilgiri
Thar: Iravikulam
266.Charalkkunnu is a hill station in ...... district.
267.In which district is Athirappally- Vazhachal
waterfalls: Thrissur
268.In which district is Wagamon? Idukky
269.In which hills the famous Edakkal caves are
situated? Ambukuthimala
270.Swati Thirunal constructed ‘Kuthira Malika’
at: Thiruvananthapuram
271.Thankassery light house is in the district of:
272.The first bakery in Kerala was started
273.The national park which is famous lion tailed
macaque: Silent Valley
274.The oldest palace built by the Dutch in
India:Bolghatty Palace
275.The place in Kerala famous for orange farms:
276.Veli tourist village is in the district of:
277.Where is Pazhassi Kudeeram situated?
278.In which palace, mural paintings based on
Kumarasambhava of Kalidasa can be
seen?Dutch Palace, Kochi
279.The first Keralite woman to get a medal in
World Athletic Meet:Anju Boby George
280.The island formed after the flood of 1341:
281.In which district is Arakkal Kettu? Kannur
282.In which district is Mayippadi Palace?
283.Karumadikkuttan, a statue obtained from
Alappuzha district is believed to be related
to: Buddhism
284.The Bolghatty Palace was built in:1744
285.The capital of Kulasekharas was:
286.The first fort built by Europeans in India:Fort
Manuel, Kochi
287. The first Malayali woman to get Booker Prize:
Arundhathi Roy
288.The official residence of Dewan of Travancore
which later became the seat of Akasavani in
Kerala:Bhakti Vilasom
289.The place in Kerala where Mannathu
Padmabhan started the historical ‘Savarna
290.The publication of Mathrubhumi newspaper
was started from:Kozhikode
291.Which constituency was represented by EMS
Namboothirippadu in the first Kerala
Legislative Assembly? Neeleswaram
292.Who constructed Bakel Fort in 17th
century?Sivappa Nayak
293.Who constructed Chettuva Fort?The Dutch
294.Who built the Palakkad Fort in1766?Hyder
295.The remains of sister Alphonsa is kept
296.Which Fort in kerala was also known as Fort
William?Chettuva Fort
297.MN Govindan Nair started One Lakh Housing
Scheme at:Chithara (Chadayamangalam)
298.The temple known as ‘Dakshina
Mookambika’: Panchikkad
299.Thycal, where remains of of an ancient ship
obtained is in the district of:Alappuzha
300.In which district is Kappil beach of north
Kerala? Kasargod

Kuriakose Elias Chavara (1805-1871)
1. Kuriakose Elias Chavara is called the father
of literacy in Kerala.
2. He was the first to establish a printing press
in Kerala without foreign support.
3. It was started at Mannanam in Kottayam.
Deepika, the oldest daily in Kerala was
printed for the first time in this press (1887).
4. He was the co-founder and first Prior General
of the first congregration for men in the Syro-
Malabar Catholic Church, now known as the
Carmelites of Mary Immaculate, and of a
similar one for women, the Sisters of the
Mother of Carmel.
5. He was born Kuriakose Chavara on10th
February, 1805, at Kainakary in Alapuzha,
the son of Iko (Kuriakose) Chavara and
Mariam Thoppil.
6. He was baptized on February 17, 1805, at
Chennamkary Parish Church in Alappuzha.
7. In his childhood,he attended the village
school. There he studied language and
elementary sciences.
8. He entered the seminary in 1818 in
Pallipuram where Father Thoma Palackal
was the Rector. He was ordained on
November 29, 1829, at Arthunkal and
presided over the Holy Qurbana (Eucharist)
for the first time at Chennamkary Church.
9. Desirous of living in a religious community,
Chavara joined with two other priests,
Fathers Thoma Palackal and Thomas
Porukara, in order to live in a community
following Carmelite spirituality.
10. The name of the community was the
Servants of Mary Immaculate of Mount
Carmel. The foundation for the first
monastery at Mannanam was laid on May
11, 1831, and the trio took vows to form a
religious community.
11. Chavara took the additional name of “Elias”,
from the Carmelite tradition of his having
been their founder. Palackal and Porukara
died in 1841 and 1846, respectively.
12. Chavara became Vicar General for the Syro-
Malabar Catholic Church in 1861.
13. He defended the ecclesial unity of the
Church, which was threatened by schism due
to the consecration by Thomas Rochos of
Nestorian bishops.
14. He worked to renew the faith in the church.
He was a man of prayer with a devotion to
the Eucharist and the Virgin Mary.
15. He was also a social reformer,an educationist
and had played a major and significant role
]Xn\©mw \q‰m≠n¬ C‰enbnemWv \thm∞m\w Bcw`n®Xv. AXns‚ ]nXmhmbn Ncn{Xw hmgvØp∂Xv s]{Sm¿°ns\bmWv. Umhn©nbpw
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B[p\nIbpKØnte°v \bn®Xv. Ahcn¬ Nne {]apJsc ]cnNbsΠSmw.
in educating women and people of lower
sections of society.
16. He first introduced the system called “A
school along with every church” which was
successful in making education and
knowledge available for everyone for free.
Thus schools in Kerala are also called
‘pallikudam’(‘palli’ means church).
17. Chavara, in collaboration with Father Leopold
Beccaro, O.C.D., founded the first native
religious congregation for women in India, the
Sisters of the Mother of Carmel (C.M.C.), in 1866.
18. Chavara died on 3rd January , 1871, aged
65, at Koonammavu, of natural causes.
19. Kuriakose Elias Chavara was canonised by
Pope Francis in 2014 November.
Ayya Vaikundar (1809-1851)
20. Ayya Vaikundar(1809-1851), a great
humanist and social thinker, lived in the
Princely Kingdom of Travancore in the early
decades of the 19 th Century Kerala, is still
remembered as the first well known social
reformer in India who critiqued the caste
discrimination and religious hierarchy and
fought against the practice of untouchability.
21. Being the founder of ‘Samathwa Samajam’,
the first socio reform movement in India
(1836), Ayya Vaikundar is considered as the
pioneer of such revolutionary movements in
India .
22. Ayya Vaikundar not only preached his views
but practicalised among low caste poor
23. Ayya Vaikundar called the rule of the British
as ‘Ven Neechan’ and the rule of king of
Travancore as ‘The Neechan of Ananthapuri’.
24. He is the first to install mirror for worshipping
in South India.
25. He was the exponent of a new path of
spiritual thoughts named ‘Ayya Vazhi’.
26. His exhortation ‘One caste, One religion, One
Clan, One world, One God’’ is world famous.
He was against idol worship .
27. He did not allow the portraitores to draw his
28. No evidence of any picture or any of his
human figure are kept to prove his visual
identity .So that he still remains as in the
form of absolute wisdom.
29. It has been noticed that if the socio - political
thinkers of modern India could have been
accepted the vision of Ayya Vaikundar much
earlier , the political dimension of modern
India might have attained a value based,
qualitative trend in all walks of life.
30. His theory and practice like ‘samathva
samajam’ , ‘sama panthi bhojan’ , ‘thottu
Leaders of Renaissance in Kerala
2015 am¿-®- v- 1 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 13
namam podunkal’ were much enough to
cultivate a thought of equality and unity in
Indian minds.
31. Ayya Vaikundar was born to the couple
Ponnu Madan and Veyilal Amma in at
Poovandanthope in the Kanyakumari District.
32. They initially named the child Mudisoodum
Perumal, meaning “Lord Narayanam with a
33. But due to the heavy protest of upper castes
the name had to change as ‘Muthukutty’
because at that time only upper castes were
allowed to use the names of gods as their
34. Ayya Vaikunda Nather stayed at
Swamithoppu and sent his disciples far and
wide to carry his message to the masses.
35. He mainly had five disciples named with
Pancha Pandavas as Mailady Sivathaanu
(Dharma Cheedar), Kailasapuram
Pandaaram ( Bheeman Cheedar),
Pillayarkudiyirippu Arjunan (Arjunan
Cheedar), Kulachal Subbayyan (Nakulan
Cheedar ) , Thamarakkulam Harigopalan
(Sahadevan Cheedar ).
36. He asked his five disciples to preach his
principles and lead a holy life . He gave a
Pathiram (guideline for a systematic life
based on his principles ) to them and insisted
to adhere it strictly.
37. People congregated at Swamithoppu to get
his blessings and called ‘Ayya’. He used the
holy mud - Namam - and the holy watermunthiri
patham to cure the people of their
illness and absolve them from sins.
38. He preached a new prayer which his
followers called as Pothippu. People came
to him with their first produce like banana
bunch, arecanut bunch, paddy, betal leaves
and flowers.
39. Ayya Vaikundar advised his followers to
practice Dharma. ‘Annadhanam’ was
considered as the important form of Dharma.
40. Ayya Vaikundar’s preaching about temple
worship was of great significance. He
discouraged idol worship.
41. Ayya Vaikundar discouraged slaughtering of
animals in the name of sacrifice. He
discouraged keeping Hundis in temples and
also giving Kanikka (offerings).
42. He advised His followers about day-to-day
life. He asked them to be good to their
enemies too.
43. He advised them to be kind and generous to
those who came to them, chanting his name.
44. He asked them to abide by the law of the
land and not to be covetous.
45. Ayya Vaikundar organized ‘Sama Panthi
Bhojana’ in each and every place of worship
in the name of “Annadanam’.
46. In 1836 Ayya Vaikundar organized a massive
movement named ‘Samathva Samajam’. To
propagate his concept of equality and dignity
of all human beings this organization led a
significant role.
47. Watching all the social and revolutionary
reforms led by Ayya Vaikundar, the high caste
Hindus became angry as well as afraid.
48. During the ‘Chariot Festival’ of Sucheendram
temple Ayya Vaikundar captured the chariot
thread (Kampa vadam) along with his
followers and ready to pull the chariot along
with the high caste.
49. He declared that the low castes including him
have the right to pull the temple chariot. This
act provocated the high caste authorities.
50. When the King, Swathi Thirunal, was visiting
a nearby place , they complained to him that
Vaikundar was deceiving the masses in the
name of God.
51. As they had full influence over the King and
the State, they convinced the King to arrest
52. The King believed the words of the high caste
chieftains and consequently sent a troop to
arrest Ayya Vaikundar.
53. The troop arrested Ayya Vaikundar from
Swamithoppu. Huge crowd of his followers
opposed the arrest and agitated.
54. But Ayya Vaikundar advised his followers not
to be angry to the troops and to be patient. “
Let them learn who I am. I will be back to
you without any harm “.
55. Then the troop tied him with hemp ropes and
drew by a horse and brought him before the
King who was temporarily residing at
Sucheendrum, a place about 4 miles from
Swamithoppu, during 1838.
56. Ayya was brought before the King.The King
ordered to take Ayya Vaikundar to
Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of
57. After that the troop brutally man-handled
Ayya Vaikundar. The troop was astonished
to see Ayya without any change. So they
gave poisoned milk to him. Ayya drank the
milk with a smile. Nothing happened to him.
58. At Thiruvananhapuram Ayya Vaikundar was
punished with imprisonment for some
months and put in the jail at Singarathoppu
from November 1838.During the
imprisonment days he had to face different
59. King later ordered to release Ayya Vaikundar
by signing an agreement forcing him to be
only the leader of the people of his caste
only . But Ayya Vaikundar refused to sign
such an agreement .
60. He said that he has no caste or creed and
was common to every body. He also told
the King that he would leave the jail only
when he desires to do so.
61. This news spread all over
Thiruvananthapuram. People came before
him in large groups with fruits, flowers etc.,
His followers from different parts of south
Tamil nadu reached Singarathoppu jail.
62. On the 19th day of Tamil month Masi (March
3, 1839) Ayya Vaikundar decided to go back
to Swamithoppu.
63. With all glories, his followers carried him
back to Swamithoppu overnight and reached
there on 20th day of Masi. This day is very
auspicious to all his devotees and now every
year this day is celebrated as Masi
64. Nowadays this procession starts from
Thiruchendur and Thiruvananthapuram. It
ends with grand functions and is currently a
declared public holiday for the districts in
South Tamil nadu.
65. During that period , Nanchi nadu was the
storehouse of the paddy in Travancore.
These paddy fields were taxed heavily. At
the same time the land cultivators had to
pay two types of taxes. One for land and
other for trees. The majority of the land
owners were high caste people. Even then
Ayya Vaikundar entered in this issue. He told
that the tax can be given to land only and
organized hundreds of farmers of Nanchi
nadu and proceeded to
Thiruvananthapuarm. Addressing the
farmers agitation at Thiruvananthapuram ,
Ayya Vaikundar asked the King to stop treetax
which was an additional one. He also
pointed out that only if the farmer toil in the
mud , the King can eat in the golden plate.
This event may be the first agitation of
farmers against a Kingdom in the history of
66. This part of the 19 th century witnessed
cruelty against women . They were not
allowed to cover their breasts and below the
knee in Travancore.
67. If any woman brought married from
Thirunelveli ,they were also bounded to obey
this rule.The high caste men used to tore
the blouses (rowkka) of the ladies who cover
their breast.
68. An young Nadar lady came to market by
wearing a blouse at the place called
Kottaram near Kanya kumari.
69. The high caste chieftains tore her blouse and
captured her wedding chain with thaali. From
this incident onwards , this market is known
as Thaali Aruthaan Chanthai.
70. The men of Nadar community protested
against this. The agitation spread over to
different places. Several social workers
intervened in this issue. The London
Missionary Rev.Charles Mead went to the
Court against this anti-human activity.
71. Straight fights between low caste and high
caste men became common. The Govt.
authorities stood on the side of high caste
72. They were not ready to consider the Court
Verdict.So the Nadar men finally decided to
break the hands of those who tear the blouses
of their ladies. Strong fights went on.
73. Observing this severity of the agitation, the
Govt. decided to permit Nadar women to wear
the blouse.
74. But they were not permitted to put a shawl
over the blouse. Ayya Vaikundar strongly
opposed this and lead the agitation which was
known as Mel Mundu Samaram.
75. As he foretold earlier Ayya Vaikundar attained
Nirvaana on a Monday mid-noon 2nd of June
76. After the period of Ayya, many of his
prophecies came to reality. Thousands of
people became his followers.
77. His spiritual thoughts turned into a new way
of life – Ayya Vazhi.The people who criticized
him while he was alive, had recognized his
way of thought-that is Ayya Vazhi.
Thycaud Ayya (1814-1909)
78. The original name of Thycaud Ayya was
79. He was born in 1814 in Nakalapuram. He
was the guru of Chattampi Swamikal, Sri
Narayana Guru and Ayyankali.
80. He was a Yogi cum Family man. Ayya
Swamikal started inte-dining
(Panthbhojanam) in Kerala during 19th
century even before Mahatma Gandhi
thought of it.
81. He argued that any Yogi could install idols in
temples, that inspired Sreenarayan Guru to
install idols of Siva.
82. “Oru jathy, oru matham ,oru Daivom” (“Intha
ulakathile orae oru jathy than, Orae oru
matham than, orae oru kadavul than” ) is the
Malayalam translation of Ayyaswamy’s
teaching . Sri Narayan Guru popularized the
83. His grandfather Hrishikesan and his father
Muthukumaran were great yogis and were
migrated to Tamilnadu from Pampumkadu in
Malabar during Tipu Sultan’s aggression.
84. Lord Subramanya was their family deity. At
the age of 12, Subbarayan received spiritual
initiation from two Tamil Saints,
Sachidananda Maharaj and Sri Chitti
Paradeshi who used to visit Subbarayans
family frequently.
85. When he was 16,the Saints took him with
them to Burma ,Singapore, Penang and Africa
86. During this period Subbaraya acquired and
practiced yogic techniques of high order.
Returning home after 3 years he continued
yogic practices, often entering the state of
“Nirvikalpa Samadhi”.
87. Gradually he acquired the Ashtasidhies or
divine powersincluding that of astral travel
, but his Gurus strictly warned him not to use
them to gain material advantage.
88. At the age of 27 , in accordance with his
Guru’s wishes Swamikal visited
Kodungalloor Devi temple in Kerala and from
their he toured Travancore.
89. The Mother Goddess appeared in her
“Poorna swaroopam” before Ayya at Thycaud
in Thiruvananthapuram, where he destined
to spend the remaining part of his life.
90. Swathy Thirunal, the then Maharaja of
Travancore, heard about the spiritual
eminence of Ayya ,invited him to his palace
and became his disciple.
91. Swamikal visited Sri Vaikunda Padar of
Nagarcoil (Swami thoppu)and visited the
famous Maruthwamalai.
92. When his father left to Kasi ,Subbarayan had
to look after the family.
93. To obey his Guru ,Ayya married Kamalammal
from Kollam and the couple had three sons
and two daughters.
94. However Ayya continued his spiritual
practices while living the married life. Ayya
was a great scholar in Tamil and gained good
proficiency in English.
95. He used to deliver spiritual discourses at the
“Ashtapathana Sabha”in Chennai.
96. Ayya was supplying goods to military camp
in Chennai, where he came in contact with
the Mess Secretary Mc Gregor who learned
Tamil and Yoga from Ayya.
97. During the reign of Maharaja Ayillum Thirunal,
Mc Gregor became the Resident of
Travancore .He appointed Ayya as the
Manager of his Residency in Thycaud.
98. From 1873 up to a week before his
Mahasmadhi on 20th July 1909 Ayya
continued in the post. People respectfully
called him “Superintend Ayya”
99. Swamikal kept strict discipline in work and
was extremely punctual. At his residence he
spent most of his time in meditation and in
initiating and instructing his disciples
inspiritual practices.
100. Ayya used to deliver lectures on Bhakthi,
Yoga and Vedanta in Jnanaprakasha Sabha
at Petta , during which leading literary, social
and spiritual personalities in and around
Thiruvananthapuram used to meet Ayya
101. Swamikal with the help of Manonmaneeyam
Sundaram Pillai, the first MA holder of
Travancore, founded the famous “Saiva
Prakasha Sabha” of Chalai,
102. Thycaud Ayya passed away in 1909.
Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi
103. Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi ,who founded
the Ananda Maha Sabha, was born on 26th
August 1852 . He founded the
Siddhasramam at Alathur.
104. His real name was Karat Govindamenon
14 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2015 am¿-®- v- 1
105. An atheist, he denounced idol worship and
106. He propounded the theory that ananda
(happiness or bliss) should be the touchstone
of any human activity.
107. The movement he spearheaded played an
important role in the renaissance of Kerala
108. He encouraged liquour prohibition and
women’s education. He criticised idol
109. His reformist ideas are detailed in his works
titled ‘Mokshapradeepam’ and
110. Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi passed away
on 10th September 1929.
Chattampi Swamikal (1853-1924)
111. Chattampi Swamikal was born on 25 August
1853 at Kollur, a suburban village of
Thiruvananthapuram in Southern
112. His father was Vasudeva Sharma, a
Namboothiri, from Mavelikkara and mother
Nangamma a woman from Kollur.
113. His childhood name was Ayyappan. But he
was called by his pet name Kunjan by all
and so was later known as Kunjan Pillai.
114. While learning at the ‘Patasala’ of Pettayil
Raman Pillai asan, he was deputed as the
‘Chattampi’ ( monitor ) of the class. So later
he came to be known as ‘Chattambi
115. Chattampi Swamikal denounced the
orthodox interpretation of Hindu texts citing
sources from the Vedas. He along with his
contemporary Narayana Guru, strived to
reform the heavily ritualistic and caste-ridden
Hindu society of the late 19th century Kerala.
116. Chattampi Swamikal promoted
vegetarianism and professed non-violence
(Ahimsa). He authored several books on
spirituality, history, and language.
117. Chattampi Swamikal strongly opposed the
conversion activities of the Christian
missionaries but was not against Christianity.
118. The place where Chattambi Swamikal
acquired self realization Vadaveeswaram a
village in in Tamil Nadu.
119. At Aniyoor Temple near Vamanapuram
Chattampi Swami met another young man
Nanu Asan who was in search of spiritual
120. By then Swami was well versed in yoga and
spiritual matters and their meeting proved to
be the start of a profound and cherished
companionship, although the two were of
different temperaments.
121. They lived and travelled for many months
together. Later Swamikal took Nanu Asan,
to his guru Thykkattu Ayyavu.
122. It was with Chattampi Swamikal that
Narayana Guru made his first trip to
Aruvippuram, which was chosen as
Narayana Guru’s abode for meditation and
spiritual activities.
123. Later Swami met Neelakanta Theerthapada
a great Sanskri Scholar and Theerthapada
Pramahamsa who established an ashram
and also Theerthapada System for the line
of snayasins following Swami’s teachings
and methods.
124. Bodheswaran, Perunnelli Krishnan Vaidhyan,
Velutheri Kesavan Vaidhyan, Kumbalath
Sanku Pillai etc were grihastha disciples of
Chattambi Swamikal.
125. He attained mahasamadhi on 5th August
1924 at Panmana in Kollam district.
126. mortal remains of Chattampi Swamikal were
enshrined at his Samadhistanam at
Panmana. This site is today called Panmana
Ashramam (Kollam district).
127. Vedadhikara Niroopanam, Prachina
Malayalam,Adwaitha Chintha Paddhathi,
Moksha Pradeepa Khandanam etc. are
famous works of Chattambi Swamikal.
Sree Narayana Guru (1856-1928)
128. Sree Narayana Guru is regarded as the father
of the renaissance of Kerala.
129. He belonged to Ezhava community and it
was an era in which Ezhavas were facing
much social injustices in the caste-ridden
Kerala society.
130. Sree Narayana Guru is regared as the
greatest Keralite of 20th century.
131. He was the first Keralite to be appeared on
an Indian stamp and also the first Keralite to
be inscribed on a coin of RBI.
132. He is only Keralite whose birth day and death
anniversary are declared holiday by the
Government of Kerala.
133. He was the only person who was exempted
from court appearances in civil cases by
Government of Travancore.
134. He was born at Chempazhanthi in
Thiruvananthapuram district on 20th August
1856 (Chathayam of Chingam month) .
135. His father was Madan Asan, a farmer and
mother was Kutty Amma.
136. His house name was ‘Vayalvaram Veedu’.
The boy was named Narayanan and was
dotingly called Nanu.
137. Nanu joined a nearby school for formal
education. He was also tuitioned by his father
and uncle in Tamil , Sankrit , and other
traditional subjects.
138. He had his higher studies at Varanapally by
Kummampalli Raman pillai Asan.
139. He showed strong affinity for poetics and
reasoning, composing hymns and singing
them in praise of God.
140. His mother passed away when he was 15.
Nanu spent the most part of his early youth
assisting his father in tutoring, and his uncle
in the practice of Ayurveda, while devoting
the rest of his time for devotional practices
at the temples nearby.
141. After his studies he also began teaching in
a near-by school. His knowledge earned him
the respect of many and he came to be
known as “Nanu Asan”.
142. His friendship with Chattambi Swamikal
started in 1884. Thycaud Ayyaswami, who
was the Guru of Chan initiated Yoga to Nanu.
143. Later he went to Maruthwamala in search of
ultimate truth and spent 8 years of solitary
life. Here, Narayana guru is believed to have
attained a state of Enlightenment.
144. In 1888, he installed an idol of Shiva at
Aruvippuram on the banks of Neyyar river.
145. As only Brahmins had ever installed an idol,
that event was dubbed as ‘Aruvippuram
revolution’. When Brahmins challenged his
right to consecrate, he replied in his famous
quote “I installed my siva; not a Brahmin
146. At Aruvippuram these words were inscribed
on a plaque “Without differences of caste,Nor
enmities of creed, Here it is, the model of an
abode,where all live like brothers at heart”.
147. In 1891 Kumaranasan (then Kumaru) met
148. Sree Narayana Guru was appointed as the
first president of SNDP Yogam founded in
1903 with the initiative of Dr.Palpu.
149. A new phase began in the Guru’s life in 1904.
He decided to give up his wandering life and
settle down at Sivagiri, about 32 kms north
of Thiruvananthapuram. The name ‘Sivagiri’
was given by Guru.
150. In 1905 he organised the first agricultural and
industrial exhibition in India, at Kollam
151. He established many temples at different
parts of the Kerala. After travelling many
places in South India and establishing
temples, he did the prathishta of the goddess
Sree Sarada at Sivagiri on April 1912.
152. In 1914 he established Adwaithasramam at
Aluva (Ernakulam district).
153. In 1916 he met Ramana Maharshi at
Thiruvannamala, Tamil nadu.
154. Guru made his first visit to Sri Lanka in 1918.
It is the only foreign country visited by him.
155. Rabindranath Tagore visited Sree Narayana
Guru at Sivagiri in 1922.
156. Tagore recorded after his visit to Sivagiri, ‘I
have been touring different parts of the world.
During these travels, I have had the good
fortune to come into contact with several
saints and maharshis. But I have frankly to
admit that I have never come across one who
is spiritually greater than Swami Sree
Narayana Guru of Kerala — nay, a person
who is on par with him in spiritual
attainments. I am sure I shall never forget
that radiant face, illumined by the selfeffulgent
light of divine glory and those yogic
eyes fixing their gaze on a remote point on a
far-away horizon.’
157. Guru provided leadership to the ‘Sarva Matha
Sammelanam’ held at Aluva in 1924.
158. The theme of the conferece was “Not for
argument but to know and inform others”. He
visited the Satyagrahis at Vaikkom in 1924.
159. When Gandhiji visited Kerala in connection
with Vaikom Satyagraha in 1925, he also
visited Guru.
160. Mahathma Gandhi wrote in the guest book
at Sivagiri, “I consider it the greatest good
fortune of my life to have visited the beautiful
Travancore state and met the most venerable
saint, Sree Narayana Guru Swami
161. Guru’s second visit to Sri Lanka was in 1926.
162. Sree Narayana Dharma Sangham was
registed in 1928. Guru attained samadhi on
20th September 1928 (5th of Kanni month of
Kollam Era).
163. The slogan popularised by Sree Narayana
Guru-”One caste, one religion and one God
for mankind.”.
164. He also exhorted “ Liquor is poison, make it
not, sell it not, drink it not”.
165. “Organize and strengthen, Educate and
Enlighten” was also the advice of Guru.
166. He taught “ Whatever may be the religion of
a man, it is enough if he becomes virtuous “,
“Ask not, Say not, think not caste”, “ Act that
one performs for one’s sake should also
benefit other “.
167. The novel ‘Guru’ by K.Surendran depicts the
life of Sree Narayana Guru.
168. The film ‘Yugapurushan’ directed by
R.Sukumaran based on the life of Guru.
169. Sivalinga Swamikal was the first Sanyasa
disciple of Guru. In 1925 he appointed
Bodhananda Swamikal as next of kin.
170. Anandatheertha Swamikal was his last
Sanyasa disciple.
171. The first work of Sree Narayana Guru is
Gajendramoksham Vanchipattu. His other
famous works are Atmopadeshasatakam,
Darshanamala, Daiva Dasakam,
Nirvritipachakam,Janani Navaratna Manjari
172. Sivagiri pilgrimage, now known as Sivagiri
Theerthadanam, was conceived by
Vallabhasseri Govindan Vaidyar and T K
Kittan Writer. It was duly approved
by Gurudevan on January, 1928.
Guru’s Famous Teachings:
173. -One Jati(Caste) One Matham(Religion), One
Daivam(God) for Man
174. -All are of one Self-fraternity Such being the
dictum to avow,In such a light how can we
take life And devoid of least pity go on to
175. -Ask not, Say not Think not caste. Think only
Gods.Acts that one performs For one’s own
sake Should also aim for the good Of other
176. -Love of others is my happiness, Love that
is mine is happiness for others. And so, truly,
deeds that benefit a man Must be a cause
for other’s happiness too.
177. -Grace, Love, Mercy -all the three - Stand
for one same reality- Life’s Star. He who
loves is who really lives.
178. -Whatever may be the difference in men’s
creed, dress, language etc. because they all
belong to the same kind of creation, there is
no harm at all in their dining together or
having marital relation withone another.
179. -Liquor is poison Make it not Sell it not Drink
it not.
180. -Devoid of dividing walls Of caste or race Or
hatred, We all live here In Brotherhood.
181. -Progress through education. Strengthen
through organisation.
Ayyankali (1863–1941)
182. Ayyankali (1863–1941) was a leader of the
lower caste Dalits known as the
183. He pioneered many reforms to improve the
lives of the Dalits.
184. Ayyankali was born in 1863 in Venganoor,
185. He was one of seven children born to Ayyan
and Mala, members of Pulaya community.
He was illiterate as were all Dalits at that
186. In those days Dalits were not allowed to walk
along public roads. The Dalit women were
not allowed to cover their breasts in public
187. Ayyankali organized Dalits and fought
against these discriminations. He was in the
forefront of movements against casteism.
188. He passed through the public roads of
Venganoor (1893) on a bullock cart which
was not allowed for the Dalits. Enraged by
2015 am¿-®- v- 1 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 15
his boldness, the caste Hindus physically
attacked him. Ayyankali led the movement
and defeated them.
189. Ayyankali demanded right for Dalit children
to study in school, which was not granted.
190. He started a school (1905) to teach dalit
children at Venganoor which was set ablaze
by caste Hindus.
191. In response to this, in 1907 he led a strike of
agricultural labourers at Venganoor which
lasted for more than a year.
192. He called for boycott of agricultural work
raising certain demands. His demands
included (a) stoppage of the practice of not
giving tea in tea shops to Dalits who were
given tea till then in coconut shells; (b) right
to education for the Dalit children; (c) resting
time for workers during work hours; and (d)
replacement of the system of wages in kind
by payment of cash.
193. Initially the land lords did not take it seriously.
They tried many means and methods to
defeat the workers.
194. However they realized that their families
would starve to death if Ayyankali’s demands
were not met with. They, therefore, were
forced to concede the demands of Ayyankali
and his supporters.
195. The significance of Ayyankali lies in the fact
that he could spearhead a struggle for human
rights of the untouchables raising demands
which find expressions in various
international human rights documents well
before their adoption.
196. Ayyankali pioneered a movement for
democratizing public places and asserting
the rights of workers even before the
formation of any workers organisation in
Kerala. The most amazing part of it is that
he did all this in spite of his illiteracy.
197. In 1907 Ayyankali established Sadhujana
Paripalana Sangham in the lines of SNDP
198. Many branches of the organisation was
established in the length and breadth of
Travancore and the members actively
involved in the upliftment programmes of the
downtrodden. Within three years land was
bought at Venganur for the organisation.
199. Then they decided to fight to secure
educational rights that had been granted to
the members of Ezhava community.
200. Ayyankali was later nominated to the Sri
Moolam Legislative Assembly, in 1910 by the
then rulers in recognition of his leadership
201. He was the first member from the dalit
community to become a member in Sri
Moolam Legislative Assembly.
202. In 1912 Ayynkali met Sri Narayana Guru. In
his efforts Ayyankali also received the
support of Narayana guru and other social
203. In 1912, Ayyankali led an agitation at the
Nedumangad market for the protection of the
rights of depressed classes.
204. In 1913 Ayyankali launched ‘Sadhujana
Paripalini’ as the mouthpiece of Sadhujana
Paripalana Sangham.
205. The first editor of the journal was
Chempunthara Kalichothi Karuppan.
206. The year of ‘Oorutambalam Lahala’ was
1915. It is also known as
‘Thonnootonpathamand Lahala’ as it was
staged in 1099 of Kollam Era.
207. It was occurred as a result of Ayyankali’s
attempt to get admission for children at
Oorutambalam school which was opposed
by the upper castes.
208. The school was set ablaze at night of the
same day. It paved way for revolt.
209. Ayyankali led Perinad strike at Kollam. As
exhorted by him the dalit women gave up
their traditional stone ornaments.
210. By 1900 Dalits were given the freedom to
walk on the public roads, and by 1914, Dalit
children were allowed to join schools.
211. Also, Dalit women were allowed to cover their
nakedness in public through his efforts.
212. In 1937 he was praised by Mahatma Gandhi
in a meeting at Venganur, home town of
Ayyankali when Gandhiji visited Trvancore
in connection with the Temple Entry
213. Ayyankali passed away on 18th June, 1941.
214. In 1942, Samastha Thiruvithamkur Pulayar
Mahasabha was established in a meeting
held in Thiruvananthapuram which was
prisided over by T.T.Keshavan Shastri, the
son in law of Ayyankali.
215. In November 1980, Indira Gandhi unveiled
sculptor Ezra David’s commorative statue of
Ayyankali at Vellayambalam in Trivandrum.
216. The headquarters of the Scheduled Caste
Development Department is named after
Ayyan Kali.
Dr. P.Palpu (1863-1950)
217. Dr. Palpu was a relentless fighter for the
cause of the Ezhavas in Kerala.
218. Sarojini Naidu praised him one of the
greatest revolutionaries in India. He was the
founder of ‘Travancore Ezhava Sabha’.
219. It was the efforts of Dr Palpu marked the
beginning of the long drawn out struggle to
be waged by the backward classes within
the Hindu community in Travancore for
securing social equality and justice. Thus
he has a prominent position among the
leaders of Renaissance of Kerala.
220. Dr. Palpu was born on 2nd November 1863
at Pettah in Thiruvananthapuram. He was the
first medical graduate from Ezhava
community in Travancore.
221. As there was no opportunity for him to serve
in Travancore government service, he joined
the medical service of the neighbouring state
of Mysore.
222. Dr.Palpu was the third signatory in the
Malayali Memorial (1891), a mass petition
signed by 10038 persons submitted before
Sree Mulam Tirunal, the King of Travancore
which marked the beginning of the united
social effort in the state to press the demands
of the backward classes.
223. On the initiative of Dr.Palpu a mass memorial
signed by 13176 members of Ezhava
community was presented to Sree Mulam
Tirunal on 3rd September 1896.
224. This document known as Ezhava memorial
of 1896 demanded that the Ezhavas should
be made beneficiaries of all those rights and
privileges which were being enjoyed by their
brethern who had become converts to
225. The Government’s reply to the Ezhava
memorial was too equally frustrating and
reactionary in tone and content.
226. Disappointed by he attitude of the
Government of Travancore, another
memorial was submitted before Lord Curzon,
the Viceroy when he visited Travancore. This
is known as Ezhava Memorial of 1900.
227. This also was not considered favourably.
Thus the Ezhava memorials failed to produce
any tangible result.
228. Dr. Palpu took initiative to establish Sree
Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam in
229. It was the advice given by Swami
Vivekananda to associate with some spiritual
person in his effort to fight for the rights of
the Ezhavas that drew him to Sri Narayana
230. Dr.Palpu spent the major share of his income
for the activities of SNDP Yogam.
231. He called Kumaranasan as ‘Chinna
Swami’.(‘Periya Swami’ was Narayana Guru)
232. He passed away on 25th January, 1950.
233. Dr. Nataraja Guru, who founded Sree
Narayana Gurukulam for the propagation of
the ideals of Sri Narayana Guru was the son
of Dr. Palpu.
Kumaranasan (1873-1924)
234. Kumaranasan was one of the triumvirate
poets of Kerala (the other two were Vallathol
Narayana Menon and Ulloor S.Parameswara
Iyer) who was also a philosopher, a social
reformer and a disciple of Sree Narayana
235. He is dubbed as ‘Sneha gayakan’ (Poet of
Love) of Malayalam as he expounded the
philosophy “Snehamanakhilasaramoozhiyil”
(Love is all in this world) in his writings.
236. The richness of themes earned him the title
237. He was born in Ezhava community on 12th
April 1873 at Kayikkara in
Thiruvananthapuram district of erstwhile
238. His father was Narayanan Perungudi and
mother was Kaali. The childhood name was
239. He undertook a studentship in poetry under
Manamboor Govindan Asan.
240. After becoming the disciple of Narayana
Guru, Kumaru was sent to Bangalore for 3
years for higher studies in Sanskrit.
241. In 1917 Asan married Bhanumathiamma
daughter of Thachakudy Kumaran - younger
brother of Dr.P.Palpu’s father.
242. Kumaran Asan initiated a revolution in
Malayalam poetry in the first quarter of the
20th century, transforming it from the
metaphysical to the lyrical.
243. His first notable work was “Veena Poovu’
(fallen flower) which was scripted during his
sojourn in Jain Medu, Palakkad in 1907 .
244. It was published for the first time in the
publication ‘Mithavadi’ and it marked the
beginning of ‘Khandakavya’ in Malayalam.
245. Kumaranasan was the only poet in
Malayalam who became ‘mahakavi’ without
writing a ‘mahakavyam’.
246. The prefix ‘Mahakavi’ awarded to him by
Madras University in the year 1922.
247. Kumaranasan was honoured by Prince of
Wales in 1922.
248. The major works of Kumaranasan are Oru
Simhaprasavam (1909), Nalini (Subtitle:
Allengkil Oru Sneham) (1911),Leela
(1914),Sribuddhacharitham (1915),
Graamavrikshattile Kuyil (1918),Prarodanam
(1919),Chintaavishtayaaya Sita
( 1 9 1 9 ) , D u r a v a s t h h a
(1922),Chandaalabhikshuki (1922) and
249. The work of Kumaranasan that depicts the
fact ‘Mamsanibhadamalla ragam’ (Love is not
an artifact of flesh) is Leela.
250. His elegy ‘Prarodanam’ mourns the death of
his contemporary and friend A. R. Raja Raja
Varma, the famous grammarian and
251. Kumaran Asan’s longest work is
‘Sribuddhacharitham’ which is the translation
of ‘Light of Asia’, a biography of Sri Buddha
by Edwin Arnold.
252. Kumaranasan had prominent Buddhist
influence in his writings.
253. He is the first poet to become a member in
Travancore Legislature and also the first
Malayalam poet whose picture was
apperared on an Indian stamp.
254. Kumaranasan was the first General
Secretary of Sri Narayana Dharma
Paripalana Yogam.
255. He edited ‘ Vivekodayam’, the mouth piece
of SNDP Yogam, along with M.Govindan who
was its official editor.
256. Kumaranasan was the founder of Sarada
Book Depot.He authored ‘Divyakokilam’ as
a tribute to Rabindranath Tagore.
257. When Tagore visited Narayana Guru at
Sivagiri in 1922, it was Kumaranasan who
translated the dialogue between Tagore and
Guru into Malayalam.
258. He died aged 51 as a result of a boat accident
on 16th January 1924 while returning to
Kollam from a function in Alappuzha.
259. The boat capsized at Pallana and all on board
260. The name of the boat was ‘Redeemer’.
261. The spot where Asan met death is known as
262. Asan Memorial is at Thonnackal in
Thiruvananthapuram district.
263. His statue is erected at Palayam in
Thiruvananthapuram, the junction where the
seat of Kerala University is situated.
264. Joseph Mundassery called him ‘Viplavathinte
265. Kumaranasan exhorted ‘Mattuvin
Chattangele’ (Change the rules).
266. Asan World Prize was instituted in memory
of Kumaranasan.
Vakkom Abdul Khadir Moulavi
267. Vakkom Abdul Khadir Moulaviwas born in
1873 at Vakkom in Thiruvananthapuram
district of erstwhile Travancore.
268. He was a social reformer, teacher, prolific
writer, Muslim scholar, journalist, freedom
fighter and newspaper proprietor.
269. He emphasized the religious and
socioeconomic aspects much more than the
ritualistic aspects of religion.
270. He also campaigned for the need for modern
education, the education of women, and the
elimination of potentially bad customs among
the Muslim community.
271. Vakkom Abdul Khadir Moulavi is considered
one of greatest reformers in the Kerala
16 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2015 am¿-®- v- 1
Muslim community, and is sometimes
referred to as the “father of muslim
272. He founded All Travancore Muslim
Mahajanasabha and Chirayinkil Taluk
Muslim Samagam, and worked as the
chairman of the Muslim Board of the
Government of Travancore.
273. Vakkom Maulavi was instrumental in the
establishment of “Muslim Aikya Sangham”,
a united Muslim forum for all the Muslims of
the Travancore, Cochin and Malabar regions.
274. He was the founder and publisher of the
newspaper Swadeshabhimani (1905) which
was started publication from Anchuthengu,
a British colony.
275. The first editor of Swadeshabhimani was
C.P.Govinda Pillai. Later Ramakrishna Pillai
became its editor (1906). In July 1907, the
newspaper office was moved to
276. Swadeshabhimani was banned and
confiscated by the Government of
Travancore on 26th September 1910 due to
its criticisms against the government and the
Diwan of Travancore, P. Rajagopalachari.
277. After the Independence of India, the first
ministry of Kerala headed by EMS
Namboothirippad returned the press to
Moulavi’s family and son Abdul Khadar.
278. Moulavi started journals in Arabi-Malayalam
and in Malayalam which played a pivotal role
in Muslim renaissance in Kerala. ‘The
Muslim’ was launched in January 1906 and
was followed by ‘Al-Islam’(1918) and
‘Deepika’(1931). Through these publications,
he tried to teach the Muslim community about
the basic tenets of Islam.
279. Vakkom Maulavi passed away on 23rd August
Mannath Padmanabhan
280. Mannathu Padmanathan was born in
Perunna village in Changanassery,
Travancore on 2nd January 1878 to Eswaran
Namboothiri of Nilavana Illam and Mannathu
Parvathy Amma.
281. He began his career as a teacher in 1893 in
a Government primary school. After a few
years, from 1905 he changed his profession
and started practising law, in the Magistrates
282. On 31st October, 1914 with the help of a few
others, Mannathu Padmanathan established
the Nair Service Society.
283. The headquarters of N.S.S. is Perunna.
Earlier, the name of the organisation was
‘Nair Bhrithyajana Sangham’.
284. N.S.S. was established in the lines of the
Servants of India Society of Gopalakrishna
285. N.S.S. started its first school at Karukachal
in Kottayam district. Its first headmaster was
286. The first college of NSS was established at
Perunna in 1947 and T.K.Narayana Iyer was
the principal.
287. The publication ‘Service’ was started in 1919
from Karukachal as the mouth piece of
288. It helped for the abolition of sub-castes
among Nair community. It also succeeded
in gathering favourable support for ‘Nair
Regulation’ (1925).
289. The basic unit of N.S.S. is ‘Karayogam’ and
the first Karayogam was established at a
place named Thattayil (1929).
290. The first president of Nair Service Society
was K.Kelappan. Mannath Padmanabhan
was the first secretary and Panangattu
Kesavappanicker was the first treasurer of
291. The name Nair Bhrithya Jana Sangham was
suggested by K.Kannan Nair and Nair
Service Society was suggested by K.Paramu
Pillai (He was a School Inspector).
292. Panthalam K.P.Raman Pillai wrote
‘Akhilandamandalam aniyichorukki....” .
293. Sardar K.M.Panicker called Mannath
Padmanabhan ‘Madan Mohan Malavya of
294. Sardar K.M.Panicker called Pazhassi Raja
‘Kerala Simham’.
295. Mannam decided to establish educational
institutions for the members of his community
when he felt that it was difficult to get
admission in the institutions run by others.
296. During the Vaikom Satyagraha Mannath
Padmanabhan started ‘Savarna Jatha’ from
297. Another Savarna Jatha was started from
Nagercoil under the leadership of Dr.Perumal
298. Both the Jathas met at Thiruvananthapuram.
A deputation led by Congress leader
Changanassery Parameswaran Pillai
submitted a huge memorandum before the
regent queen Sethulakshmi Bhai.
299. The idea of Savarna Jatha was suggested
by Mahathma Gandhi.
300. Mannath Padmanabhan was the president
of the Guruvayoor Sathyagraha Committee?
301. Guruvayoor Sathyagraha was started in
1931. K.Kelappan was the Secretary of the
Guruvayur Sathyagraha Committee.
302. Volunteer Captain was A.K.Gopalan.
303. Mannam believed that the welfare and
progress of Nair community is connected to
the total prosperity of the Hindu religion. So
he cooperated with the attempts to root out
the factors that were detrimental to the
progress of Hinduism. Thus Mannam actively
participated in Vaikom and Guruvayur
304. Mannam was always interested to involve
actively in the contemporary social issues.
As a part of some temple rituals, the women
of that era had to remove their upper cloths
during festival occassions . In this
background , in 1931 Mannam exhorted the
women of Kerala to boycott the temples.
305. Mannath Padmanabhan married Mechet
Kalyani Amma in 1901 .She passed away in
1912 and was survived by a daughter.
306. In 1932 Mannath Padmanabhan married
Thottakkat Madhavi Amma.
307. Thottakkat Madhavi Amma was the first
woman to become a member in the
Legislature of Cochin (1925). She was also
a famous writer. Her mother Thottakkad
Ikkavamma was also popular as a poetress.
308. In association with R.Shankar Mannath
Padmanabhan founded
309. R.Shankar was the leader of SNDP Yogam
and Congress. The political party launched
by R.Shankar and Mannam was Democratic
Congress Party (1950).
310. The political party launched by N.S.S. was
National Democratic Party.
311. The famous ‘Muthukulam speech’ of
Mannam was in 1947.
312. In 1949 Mannam became the first president
of Travancore Dewaswam Board (1949-
313. The Liberation Struggle (Vimochana
Samaram) of 1959 was launched against the
policies of EMS ministry especially the
Educational Act introduced by Joseph
Mundassery, the Minister for Education.
314. Political parties such as Congress, PSP,
Muslim League,RSP joined together with
some communal organisations, which were
provoked by the provisions of the
Educational Act.
315. The Congress president during liberation
struggle was R.Shankar. The leader of
opposition was P.T.Chacko.
316. The name ‘Vimochana Samaram’ was
sprouted from a speech of Panampilly
Govindamenon, Congress leader.
317. Liberation struggle was started on 12th June
1959. It lasted for seven weeks.
318. During Vimochana Samaram, the
“Jeevasikha Jatha’ started from Angamali
was led by Mannath Padmanabhan.
319. The president dismissed EMS ministry by
invoking Article 356 of the Constitution on
31st July 1959.
320. It was the first occassion in the history of
Independent India in which a goverment that
enjoys majority in legislature was dismissed
by invoking Article 356.
321. Kerala was the fifthstate in Independent India
that was brought under President’s rule (After
Punjab, PEPSU,Andhra and Thiru Kochi).
322. Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the then President of
India presented the honour ‘Bharat Kesari’
to Mannath Padmanabhan in 1959.
323. The venue was Thirunakkara Maidan in
324. Mannam went for European expedition in
325. In 1966 Mannam was given
326. He passed away on 25th February 1970.
Mannam Samadhi is in Perunna. The
autobiography of Mannath Padmanabhan is
‘Ente Jeevithasmaranakal’
Poikayil Yohannan (1879-1939)
327. Yohannan was born 17th February 1879, to
parents Kandan and Lechi of the Paraiyar
(“Pariah”) community, at Eraviperoor,
328. He was named Komaran at his birth, born
as a slave to a Syrian Christian family of the
name Sankaramangalam.
329. Though at birth he was named Komaran, he
was later renamed Kumaran. Being a slave
to a Christian family, Kumaran had to follow
Christianity and have a Christian name, and
was called Yohannan. He became literate
and versed with Bible.
330. In that period, Dalit communities practiced
untouchability among themselves.
Recognising the commonalities among the
Paraiyar, Pulayar (Cheramar) and Kuravar
communities, Yohannan sought to create a
sense of unity among them.
331. Yohannan left the Sankaramangalam family,
intent on organising the Christian Dalit
332. With this thought he joined the Marthoma
church, a reformist sect among the Syrian
Christians, but realized the church treated
Dalits as an inferior class, and left the church.
333. He then joined a new sect called the Brethren
Mission where he faced similar instances of
caste based discrimination.
334. Yohannan concluded that Indian Christian
communities continued to discriminate based
on caste, and felt this defied the basic tenets
of Christianity.
335. In 1909, Yohannan left Christianity and
started his own Dalit liberation movement
named Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha
336. He was known as Poikayil Appachan or
Kumara Gurudevan afterwards.
337. Yohannan advocated spiritual liberation, and
sought to empower and consolidate the
Dalits, promoting a creed in which the “slave
castes” would be free of discrimination.
338. The new order, PRDS was open to both
Christian and Non Christian Dalits and
Poikayil Yohannan was successful in
convincing the majority of his brethren to
abandon Christianity and embrace PRDS.
339. He reasoned that the Bible accounted for
only Jewish history and hence Indian caste
system could not be broken with it.
340. He bought 125 acres of land in different parts
of Travancore for the use of PRDS. The new
organisation was headquartered at
341. Poikayil Yohannaan set up schools and
industrial training centers in different places
in addition to constructing buildings for
religious ceremonies and public fucntions.
342. Poikayil Yohannan was also a member of the
Dalit advocacy group Sadhujana Paripalana
Sangham (SJPS) which had been founded
in 1905 by another Dalit leader of Kerala,
343. Yohannan was also twice nominated, in the
years 1921 and 1931, to the Sree Moolam
Praja Sabha, the legislative council of the
princely state of Travancore.
344. In the Praja Sabha, Yohannan made a
forceful case for the education and
employment of the Depressed Classes.
345. He specifically highlighted the economic
disparities between Dalit Christians and
Syrian Christians arguing how converts from
the Pulaya, Paraya, Marvar and Kuravar
castes were discriminated against within
346. Some of the measures he advocated for
these Dalits included provision for
concession in fee for studies beyond fifth
class, job reservations and land for each Dalit
347. On 31 March 1931 he suggested in the Praja
Sabha that special scholarships be granted
to the students belonging to the Depressed
348. Yohannan also established several
government aided schools for Dalit
349. Yohannan died on 29th June, 1939 at the
age of 61.
Vagbhatanandan (1885-1939)
350. Vagbhatananda Gurudevar, was a disciple
of Sree Narayana Guru. He born in 1885 in
2015 am¿-®- v- 1 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 17
a Thiyya family of North Malabar.
351. His father was Koran Vaidyar
352. He followed the path of Adwaitha of Sankara.
353. A rationalist, Vaghbhatananda adopted Raja
Ram Mohun Roy as the ideal model for his
social action.
354. His real name was V.K.Gurukkal. The name
‘Vagbhatananda’ was given by Sivayogi of
355. In 1920, he founded Atmavidhya Sangham.
In 1921 he started the publication of a journal
called ‘Abhinava Kerala’.
356. Later, he edited another journal ‘Atmavidhya
357. The treatise ‘Atmavidhya’ composed by
Vagbhatananda was the manifesto of
Atmavidhya Sangham.
358. Through the Atmavidhya Sangham he
campaigned against drug abuse and caste
359. He denounced caste barriers and idol
worship and exhorted his followers to abjure
such practices.
360. He also campaigned vigorously against
addiction to liquor and championed the cause
of prohibition.
361. The teachings of Vagbhatananda helped to
strengthen the base of the nationalist
movement particularly in north Kerala.
362. Vagbhatananda had a large number of
disciples not only in the northern part of
Kerala but in the rest likeAlappuzha,
Ernakulam and Thiruvananthapuram. Of
them prominent were Padmanabha Panicker
fromPuthenthoppu (later Swami Aryabhatan)
and Kochukesavan Asan (later Swami
Samanthabhadran).P.Swamikutty (who was
a disciple of Brahmananda Sivayogi )was
always found with Vagbhatananda.
363. He passed away in 1939.
364. Vagbhatananda Gurudeva trust was formed
in 1983.
365. From 2006 onwards Vagbhatananda Award
has beenbestowed on personalities who had
contributed their mite to the social, literary
and cultural fields.
366. The award carries a cash prize of Rs 25,000,
a citation and a statuette.
Pandit Karuppan (1885-1938)
367. Pandit Karuppan was called the ‘Lincoln of
368. He was born on 24th May, 1885, at
Cheranelloor, near Ernakulam in the
erstwhile princely state of Cochin.
369. Karuppan’s father was Paappu (locally
known as Atho Poojari); his mother was
Kochu Pennu.
370. Atho Poojari had inherited skills in Ayurveda
and knowledge in Sanskrit; and engaged
himself in priestly practice of poojas and
371. Karuppan’s formal education began at the
age of five under Azheekkal Velu Vaidyan, a
relative. Subsequently, Vadakke Valath Appu
Asan, a local Guru, taught him
Amarakosham, Sidhdharoopam, and
Sreeramodantham, the basics of Sanskrit.
A prolific reader, the boy read books including
Ithihasas and Puranas.
372. His first poem was ‘Sthothramandaaram’.
The prodigy took his Gurus by surprise when
he wrote Lankamardanam, at the age of 12,
with slokas styled in Shardoolavikreeditham.
373. Karuppan studied Sanskrit Kavyas under
Mangalappillil Krishnan Asan of Cherai and
returned to Cheranelloor to study with
Annamanada Rama Pothuval.
374. There, as was the prevailing custom, uppercaste
Hindu students did not allow him to sit
along with them and hence he sat isolated
in a corner.
375. He studied the Kavyas Makham and
Nyshadham and Bhoja Chambu from Rama
376. The most significant period of his education
was at Kodungalloor. The Kodungallur
Kovilakam was a place of learning, due to
the resident luminaries.
377. Karuppan’s famous work Jaathikkummi,
which criticised the prevailing caste system,
was written during the period of his study at
Kodungallur Kovilakam, and it became
popular among the poor communities.
378. Karuppan’s talents in Sanskrit came to the
notice of Rajarshi Ramavarma Raja, the
Maharaja of Cochin, who visited
Kodungalloor to worship at the famous
Thiruvanchikkulam Siva Temple.
Kunhikkuttan Thampuran introduced
Karuppan to the King.
379. The Maharaja was impressed and invited
Karuppan to his Palace in Tripunithura. The
meeting was a turning point for Karuppan,
the Maharaja arranged advanced study of
Sanskrit for him under ‘Sahridayathilkan’
Rama Pisharody, the principal Guru of the
Royal family. Karuppan studied ‘Sidhantha
Koumudi’, ‘Manorama’ and ‘Sahithee
Darpanam’ from Rama Pisharody.
380. Soon Karuppan was appointed Sanskrit
Teacher at St. Theresa’s Convent Girls’ High
School in Ernakulam.
381. When Pandit Karuppan was appointed
Sanskrit Teacher in the Caste Girls’ High
School at Ernakulam in 1912-a special
institution exclusively for upper caste girlsthere
was vehement protest from uppercaste
Hindus against his posting, and they
were reluctant to send their girls to study
under a low caste man.
382. But the Maharaja of Cochin overruled against
the objections, and threatened that girls
unwilling to study under Karuppan would be
sent out from the school. The protests ended
383. After leaving the staff of Caste Girls’ High
School, he joined the Victoria Girls’ High
School, Thrissur, as a teacher in 1918.
384. Subsequently, he was posted at Teacher
Training School there. In 1921, he was again
appointed at Girls’ High School, Ernakulam,
which had by then removed “Caste” from its
385. During his second tenure at Girls’ High
School, in August 1925, he was nominated
as a member of the Cochin Legislative
Council to represent the hitherto
disenfranchised classes, in recognition of his
tireless crusade for their emancipation
through writings and campaigns.
386. As MLC, Karuppan presented their problems
and grievances before the authorities and
emphasized that the Government must
redress their wrongs by providing education,
health services and better living conditions
for the people who lacked them.
387. Karuppan pressed the Government to
establish a separate Department for this
purpose; this led to the creation of the
Department for the Protection of the
Depressed Classes with then-Director of
Public Instruction Rao Sahib C. Mathai as
ex-officio Protector, and Karuppan as fulltime
Assistant Protector.
388. As Assistant Protector, Karuppan was
instrumental in initiating several reforms for
the progress of the depressed classes, by
starting schools and establishing colonies.
He persuaded the Government to provide
scholarships, fee concessions, and a number
of other incentives for the education of
children from the depressed classes.
389. He wrote Aacharabhooshanam to generate
awareness among the depressed classes
against superstitions; the book was printed
by the Government and distributed free of
cost to the public.
390. The Depressed Classes Department was
later renamed the Harijan Welfare
391. Pandit Karuppan was instrumental in starting
fishery schools under the re-organised
Fisheries Department. The establishment of
fish curing yards helped to promote fisheries
as a potential industry and to improve living
conditions in the fishing community. While
serving as a director in the Cochin Central
Co-operative Bank, he urged fishermen and
agricultural labourers to form co-operatives
for progress through self-reliance.
392. Karuppan was very sincere to the cause of
the depressed classes in spirit, word and
deed. When his three-year term on the
Legislative Council expired, Karuppan was
nominated for a second term, but he
requested that the Diwan give the post to a
member of the depressed classes. Under
pressure from Karuppan, the Government
appointed P.C. Chanchen, a Pulaya leader,
as MLC; Karuppan tendered his resignation
to make way for Chanchen.
393. Pandit Karuppan was then appointed as
Secretary to the Elementary Education
Committee and the Bhashaparishkarana
Committee. In 1931, he assumed the newly
created post of Superintendent of Vernacular
Education, Cochin State.
394. In 1935, he was appointed Malayalam
Lecturer in the Maharaja’s College. During
those periods, Karuppan had also functioned
as Chairman of the Board of Examiners of
the Madras University, and as Member of the
Municipal Council, Ernakulam.
395. ‘Baalaakalesam’ was autored by Karuppan.
The Maharaja of Cochin honoured Karuppan
with the title ‘Kavithilakan’, or ‘Great Poet’.
Keralavarma Valiakoithampuran of
Travancore conferred the Title of ‘Vidwan’
upon Karuppan in 1913.
396. Karuppan organized the people of his own
community into regional groups called
Sabhas. The main agenda of the Sabhas was
to persuade people to fight ignorance and
superstitions. He put strong pressure on his
fellow countrymen to become better
educated and accept a healthier lifestyle.
397. He organized the first Sabha, ‘Kalyanadayini
Sabha’, at Anapuzha, Kodungalloor. Another
Sabha was ‘Jnanodayam Sabha’, founded
at Edakochi. ‘Sudharma Sooryodaya Sabha’
(Thevara), ‘Prabodha Chandrodayam Sabha’
(Vadakkan Paravur), ‘Araya Vamsodharani
Sabha’ (Engandiyoor), and ‘Sanmarga
Pradeepa Sabha’ (Kumbalam) are other
Sabhas that Pandit Karuppan patronized.
398. Cochin Pulaya Maha Sabha was founded by
Karuppan. Subsequently, he persuaded
other communities like Velas, Sambavas,
Ulladas, Kudumbis, etc., to also form similar
Sabhas, to give momentum to their fight
against social evils and discrimination.
399. Aggrieved by the death of Sree Chattambi
Swamikal, Karuppan wrote a condolence
poem namely ‘Samadhi Sapthakam’.
400. Pandit Karuppan passed away on 23rd March,
1938, at the age of 53, due to pleurisy.

Facts about Kerala
1. Whom Sarojini Naidu dubbed as 'The Immortal
Personality among The Great revolutionaries
in India'?
2. Who is regarded as the connecting link between
Swami Vivekananda and Sri Narayana
3. The first member of Ezhava community in
Travancore to become medical graduate.
4. Who was advised by Swami Vivekananda to
establish an organisation for the upliftment of
backward communities in Travancore?
5. The third signatory of Ezhava Memorial?
6. Who gave financial assistance to
Kumaranasan for his studies in Bangalore and
7. The first leader to make an attempt to organise
the members of Ezhava community in
8. Who authored the treatise 'Treatment of
Thiyyas in Travancore?
9. The founder of Travancore Ezhava Sabha.
10. Who took initiative to submit The Ezhava
Memorial of 1896?
1. The city in Kerala where 3 G Facility was
launched for the first time in the state.
2. In which district is Wayanad Pass?
3. Where is V.K. Krishnamenon Museum?
4. Which place was the headquzrters of Malabar
district during The British regine.
5. The venue of the first state conference of Communist
Party in Kerala (1943).
6. In which district is Kappad where Vasco da
Gama was landed in 1498.
7. The district in Kerala with the largest deposits
of iron.
8. Where is the head office of the Mathrubhumi
9. In which district is Nallalam Thermal Power
10. In which district is Kuttyadi, the first hydel
Power Project in Malabar?
1. Where is the oldest European for in India?
2. Which is the only majorport of Kerala?
3. Where is Konkani Bhasha Bhavan in Kerala?
4. Which is known as 'Goshree' in ancient times?
5. Where is the stock Exchange in Kerala?
6. The place where the Portuguese established
Their first Factory in India?
7. Where is the Stock exchange in Kerala situated?
8. The headquarters of kerala Inland Navigation
9. Where is the headquarters of the Spices
10. The city where the first F M Station of
Akasavani was started?
1. The Indian state that leads in the production
of spices.
2. The largest producer of rubber in India.
3. The Indian state with the oldest synagogue.
4. The largest exporter of prawn in India.
5. The largest producer of thorium in India.
6. Educationally most advanced Indian state.
7. The Indian state with the highest perc3n5age of
senior citizens.
8. The Indian state with the least percentage of
drapping out of school students.
9. The Indian state with the most number of inland
water ways.
10. The Indian state where the largest railway bridge
in the nation is constructed.
1. The only leader to become the member of five
different legislative bodies ice cochin, Thiru-
Kochi, Kerala, Rajyasabha and Loksabha.
2. The leader to become the Chief Minister of
Kerala for the most number of times.
3. Who was the Home Minister of Kerala during
internal emergency.
4. The first Congress leader to complete tenure
as the Chief Minister of Kerala.
5. The founder of Democratic Indira Congress.
6. The Chief Minister who survived most number
of no-confidence nation.
7. The Chief Minister of Kerala when Kerala
Panchayat Raj Act was passed.
8. The Chief Minister of Kerala who was
Instrumentalk in the establishment of
Nedumbasseri Airport.
9. The Chief Minister of Kerala who resigned after
the remarke of the Hon. High court in Rajan
10. The Chief Minister of Kerala who later became
the Union Minister for Industries
1. The first Woman Minister of the State of Kerala.
2. The first Minister for Revenue in Kerala State.
3. The first Excise Minister of Kerala State.
4. The leader who formed Janadhipatya
Samrakshana Samiti (J,S.S).
5. The largest served woman member of Kerala
Legislative Assembly .
6. The largest served woman Minister of Kerala.
7. Who took initiative to establish Women's Commission
in Kerala as The Minister for Social
8. Who introduced Land Reforms Bill in Kerala
Legislative Assembly.
9. The former Woman Minister of Kerala who got
the award fo Kerala Sahitya Academy for autobiography.
10. The Woman leaader who contested for the
most number of times toKerala Legislative
1. who was called 'Viplavathinte Sukra
Nakshathram' by Joseph Mundasseri?
2. The first General Secretary of SNDP Yogam?
3. Who transleted the 'Light of Asia' of Edwin
Arnold in to Malayalam with the title
4. The Malayalam poet of 20th century with profound
Budhist influence?
5. Whose final resting place is 'Kumarakode'?
6. Who established Sarada Book Depot?
7. Whom Dr. Palpu called 'Chinna Swami'?
8. The Malayalam poet who passedaway in Redeemer
Boat Tragedy in 1924.
9. Whose memorial is established at Thonnackal
in Thiruvananthapuram district?
10. Whom Thayat Sankaran called 'the poet of
1. Who has the largest tenure as the Chief
Minister of Kerala?
2. Who was the Chief Minister when Kerala attained
100% literacy in 1991?
Nakalapuram in 1814.
7. The leader or renaissance who pioneered Sri
Narayana Guru, Chattampi Swamikal and
8. The leader of renaissance who was invited
by Swathi Thirunal to his palace?
9. From whom Chattampi Swamikal Practised
10. Who established 'Saiva Prakashika Sabha'
at Thiruvananthapuram?
1. The last king of Travancore.
2. The king of Travancore who established
Thekkady Wild Life Sanctuary in 1934.
3. The first chancellor of Travancore University.
4. The first king of Travancore to visit pope.
5. The first king of Travancore to make a sea
7. The king of Travancore to sign The Instrument
of Accession.
7. Who was the king of Travancore when the
Temple Entry Proclamation was issued in
8. Who was the king of Travancore when the
pallivasal power project was established?
9. The king of Travancore during the punnapra-
Wayalar Agitaion.
10. Who was the king of Travancore when Radio
Station was started in Thiruvananthapuram?
1. The district which is the largest producer of
2. The only district in Kerala that has no coastline
and shares border with the districts of
Kerala only.
3. In which district is Kumarakam Bird Sanctuary?
4. The headquarters of Rubber Board
5. In which district is Vellur Newsprint Factory?
6. The headquarters of Cardomom Board.
7. Which is called 'Akshara Nagaram'?
8. The headquarters of Kerala Forest Development
9. The first town in Kerala to attain total literacy
10. In which district the headquarters of the
Mahathma Gandhi University is situated?
1. Kerala Scott-C.V Raman Pillai
2. Kerala Valmiki-Vallathol
3. Kerala Chaucer-Cheeraman
4. Kerala Ibsen-N. Krishna Pillai
5. Kerala Moppasang-Thakazhy
6. Kerala Hemmingway-M.T. Vasudevan Nair
7. Kerala Surdas-Poonthanam
8. Kerala Kalidasan-Kodungallur Kunhikuttan
9. Kerala Vyasan-Kerala Varma Valiyakoyi
10. Kerala Panini-A R Raja Raja Varma.
11. Kerala Thulaseedasan-Vennikkulam
12. Kerala Kissinger-Baby John
13. Kerala Lincoln-Pandit Karuppan
14. Kerala Gandhi-K. Kelappan
15. Kerala Krushchev-M.N .Govindan Nair
16. Kerala Marx-K. Damodaran
17. Kerala Subhash Chandra Bose-Muhammad
Abdu Rehman Sahib
1. The first Indian state to attain total literacy
3. sho was the Chief Minister of Kerala when
kuydumbasree was inaugurated in 1998.
4. The chief Minister of Kerala who authored 'Arabian
5. The former Chief Minister of Kerala who
passed away in 2004 and has his final resting
place at payyambalam in Kannur.
6. Who was the Chief Minister when Kerala celebrated
golden jubilee of independence.
7. The Chief Minister of Kerala who recommended
for the premature dissolution of the
Legislative Assembly in 1991 so as to conduct
next election along with Loksabha polls?
8. The first leader bolonged to CPI M to complete
tenure as the Chief Minister of Kerala.
9. Who authored ''Keralam - Oru Rashtreeya
10. The Chief Minister of Kerala, whose name was
in the list of the accused in the controversial
'Kayyur case'.
1. The smallest district
2. The place in Kerala known as 'the venice of
the East''.
3. In which district is the ancient Budhist centre
of Srimoolavasam?
4. Which district in Kerala has the largest number
of coir factories?
5. In which district is Kuttanad, the Netherlands
of Kerala?
6. Which district was venue of the Punnapra-
Vayalar Revolt of 1946?
7. The district in Kerala with the least Forest area
8. The place that houses te oldest light house on
the coast of the Arabian Sea.
9. Which is called ''The City of Raja Kesavadas''?
10. Where the first cinema studio in Kerala-Udaya,
was established?
Thirunal Rama Varma)
1. Who gave asylum to the members of Zamorin
family who exited during the invasion of Tipu?
2. Who succeeded Marthanda Varma as the King
of Travancore?
3. Who transferred the capital of Travancore from
Padmanabhapuram to Thiruvananthapuram?
4. Who constructed 'Travancore lines'
5. Who signed an agreement with East India
Company in 1788?
6. Who authored 'Balarama bharatam'?
7. The king of Travancore who was the
contemporaryof Pazhassi Raja and Saktha
8. During the fenure of which king of Travancore,
Raja Kesavadas served as Dewan?
9. The King of Travancore Known as 'Kizhavan
10. Who resigned modern Travancore for the longest
1. The leader of renaissance in Kerala whose real
name was subbarayan.
2. Who was respectfully called 'Suprend Ayya'?
3. To whom Chattampi Swamikal introduced
Nanu Swami (Sri Narayana Guru)
4. The leader of renaissance who was the Manager
of Thyucaud residency?
5. Who initiated the lessons of yoga to Sri
Narayana Guru?
6. The leader or renaissance who was born at
22 ]nFkvkn _p≈‰n≥ 2015 am¿-®- v- 1
2. The first chief minister of Kerala who was appeared
on Indian postal stamps.
3. Who wrote ‘’keralam malayallikudae
4. Who became the chief minister of kerala for
the second time, in 1967, by leading a seven
party coalition.
5. The first chief minister in india who was thrown
out of power by invoking article 356 of the
constitution by the centre.
6. The chief minister who lost power by the liberation
struggle of 1959.
7. The first communist leader in asia who was
elected to power through ballot paper.
8. The first home minister of kerala state.
9. The first chairman of the planning board of
kerala which came into existence in 1967.
10. Who was the chief minister when the agrarian
relations bill was introduced in the kerala
legislative assembly?
1. The found of sadhujana paripalana......
2. The leader of “Kallumala samaram”
3. Whom Mahatma Gandhi called “Pulaya
4. The first belonged to depressed classes to
be nominated to Travancore assembly.
5. Who led perinad strike?
6. The leader of kerala renaissance who was
born at venganur in thiruvananthapuram in
7. Who led the first organized strike of agricultural
labours in Travancore?
8. The leader of renaissance related to the
coutroversial “Villuvandi Yatra” in Travancore
9. Whose statue is erected at vellayambalam
junction in thiruvananthapuram?
10. Who established a “Kudippallikkoodam” for
the depressed classes at venganur in 1905?
1. The cultural capital of kerala
2. In which is athirappally waterfalls?
3. The headquarters of Kerala Sahithya Academy?
4. Where is the famous Vadakkumnatha
5. In which district is Mooriyad lake?
6. Where is the head office of catholic Syrian
7. in which district guruvayur temple?
8. Where is Thekkinkad Ground?
9. In which district is chimminy sanctuary?
10. Where is the headquarters of Kerala
Sangeetha Nataka Academy?
1. Who introduced Narayana Guru to Thycaud
2. The social reforner who was known as
3. Who was known as ‘Saint without saffron’?
4. Who was born at Kannammula (Kollur) in
5. The social reforner whose real was
6. The social reforner who was fondly called
‘kunjan’ during his childhood and later came
to be known as ‘kunjan Pillai’
7. Who wrote ‘Vedadhikara Niroopanam’?
8. Who was known as ‘Sarva Vidhyadi Raja’?
9. Whom Narayana Guru met at aniyor temple
near vamanapuram?
10. Who gave satisfactory explanation about
‘Chinmudra’ to Vivekananda while he visited
1. The district in kerala with the largest number
of Cassuenut Processing factories
2. In which district is ‘Sasthamkotta Kayal’ the
largest freshwater lake in kerala.
3. In which district is palaruvi waterfalls.
4. The district in kerala with the shortest coastline.
5. The district with the largest deposits of clay.
6. In which district is the picnic spot
7. In which in Thirumullavaram Beach?
8. Which district in kerala is connected to
tamilnadu via aryankav pass?
9. In which district is the Shendurny wild life
10. In which district is Ochira Parabrahma
1. The Indian state where ‘Kudumbasree’ was
launched for the first time.
2. The first state with a Dam safety authority.
3. The first state to introduce magic tourism
4. The first state to make compulsory rural service
for medical graduates.
5. The first state to establish a film academy.
6. First indian state to provide banking service
in all villages.
7. First state to establish disaster management
8. The first total banking state in india.
9. The first indian state to connect all of its villages
through road.
10. The first state to include sports education in
1. The first editor of the newspaper
2. The exponent of the name ‘Mathrubhumi’.
3. Whose autobiography is ‘Kazhinja kalam’?
4. Who authored ‘Navabharatasilpikal’?
5. The first ‘Fellow’ of Kerala Sahitya Academi.
6. Who acted as the head of the propaganda
using of the action council of the indian independence
7. The editor of ‘Mathrubhumi’ for the longest
8. The freedom fighter who was appointed as
the high commissioner to srilanka in 1951.
9. Who headed ‘Aikya Kerala Movement’ when
K.Kelappan refined.
10. Who authored the travelogue ‘Bilathi
1. Which district is called the ‘land of theyyam’?
2. Which district in kerala has the largest coastline?
3. The only cantonment in kerala.
4. In Which district is Dharmadom Island?
5. In which district is Ezhimala Naval Academy?
6. In which district is the largest beach in kerala
(Muzhuppilangad) is situated?
7. From when a.k.goplan did start his starvation
march in 1936?
8. where the Folklore Academy in kerala is situated?
9. In which district is Malabar cancer centre?
10. In which district is payyannur, which is known
as ‘Second Bardoli’ during the era of national
1. Who led the march related to sall satyagraha in
1930 from kozhikode to payyannur.
2. Who led guruvayur satyagraha?
3. Who is knowm as ‘Kerala Gandhi’?
4. Who was the leader of sall-satyagraha in
5. Who was the president of kerala pradesh Congress
Committee (KPCC) when india got independence.
6. The founder of rural institute at thavanur.
7. Who was the first president of nair service
society (N.S.S)?
8. Who was the first person selected from kerala
by gandhiji for individual satyagraha in 1940.
9. Who was the secretary of the guruvayur
Satyagraha Committee (1931)
10. Who led the hunger struke at thali temple in
1. The district in kerala that leads in the production
of electricity.
2. The district in kerala with the least population
3. The district in kerala with the largest hill
4. In which district, the highest peak of kerala,
anamudi is located?
5. In which district is chinnakkanal?
6. Which district leads in pepper production.
7. The second largest district in kerala.
8. In which district is the largest underground
power station in kerala (Modamattom) situated?
9. Which is called the district of migrants?
10. Which district in kerala has the largest number
of national parks?
1. The first congress chief minister of kerala.
2. The first deputy chief minister of kerala.
3. The first chief minister of kerala belonged
to backward community.
4. The first person from ezhava caste to become
the chief minister of kerala.
5. Who orgainsed ‘Hindu Maha Mandalam’
along with mannath padmanabhan.
6. Who was the president of the kerala
pradesh congress committee during the liberation
struggle of 1959?
7. The second finance minister of kerala.
8. Who started the newspaper ‘Dinamani’ in
9. The first chief minister of kerala who resigned
after a no-confidence motion.
10. The first chief minister to present budget in
the kerala legislative assembly.
1. The king of Travancore who issued pandara
pattam proclamation in 1865.
2. The founder of the first general hospital in
3. Who was the King of Travancore when the
present day secretariat Building was constructed?
4. During the tenure of whom, Travancore attained
the distinction of a model state?
5. The King of Travancore who opened ‘Anchal
System’ to general public.
6. The King of Travancore who introduced vernacular
7. The King of Travancore who established law
class in thiruvananthapuram.
8. Who was the King of Travancore when hanging
bridge was bill at punalur in kollam district?
9. The King of Travancore who appointed a
Text Book Committee under the president
ship of Keralavarma Valiya Koyi Thampuran.
10. Who was the King of Travancore when Sir
T.Madhavan Rao acted as the diwan?
In which year K. Ramakrishnapilla became the editor of Swadeshabhimani ?
(A) 1905 (B) 1907 (C) 1906 (D) 1910
A.G. Velayudhan is related with which of the following agitation ?
(A) Nivarthana Agitation (B) Malayali Memorial
(C) Paliyam Sathyagraha (D) Guruvayoor Sathyagraha
Who among the following social reformer was known as ‘Kali’ in his childhood ?
(A) Ayyankali (B) Pandit K.P. Karuppan
(C) K. Kelappan (D) Velukutty Arayan
Which one of the following is not written by Kunhikuttan Thampuran ?
(A) Subhadraharanam (B) Jarasandhavadham
(C) Sri Sankaragurucharitham (D) Amarukasathakam
The Amaru Satakam is a collection of 100 verses in Sanskrit by one Amaruka. His identity and date are not available.

5. Of whose reign Vaikunda Swami was arrested and put to Singarathoppu Jail ?
(A) Dharma raja (B) Marthandavarma
(C) Swathi Thirunal (D) Balaramavarma

6. Akkamma Cherian elected to Travancore State Assembly in :
(A) 1945 (B) 1947 (C) 1952 (D) 1949

7. The person who was elected as the chairman of Arabic Board of Travancore Government ?
(A) K.M. Seethi (B) Vakkom Moulavi
(C) Muhammad Haji Kannu (D) K.M. Munshi

8. ‘Vidyaposhini’ was organized under the leadership of :
(A) G. Sankarakurup (B) Ponkunnam Varkey
(C) C. Krishnan (D) K. Ayyappan

9. Govindhan Kutty Menon later known in history as :
(A) Chattampi Swamikal (B) Swami Anandha Teerthan
(C) Vagbhadanandha (D) Brahmananda Sivayogi

10.Which one of the following social reformer is related with Vaikkom Sathyagraha ?
(A) Vaikunda Swamikal (B) E.V. Ramaswamy Naikar
(C) V.T. Bhattathiripad (D) Kumaranasan

11. The CMS press, Kottayam, was established in 1821 by :
(A) Dr. Herman Gundert (B) Rev. Benjamin Bailey
(C) Kuriakkose Elias Chavara Achan (D) Anjelo Francis

12. ‘Make Namboodhiri a human being’ was the slogan of :
(A) Samathwa Samajam (B) Jathinasini Sabha
(C) Kalliyanadayani Sabha (D) Yogakshema Sabha

13. The movement that led to the formation of the first Public Service Commission in the state of Travancore was :
(A) Guruvayoor Satyagraha (B) Civil Disobedience Movement
(C) Nivarthana Agitation (D) Vaikom Satyagraha

14. Which Patriot was the brain behind Malayali Memorial Petition submitted to Maharaja of Travancore ?
(A) G.P. Pillai (B) K. Kelappan
(C) Dr. Palpu (D) Chempaka Raman Pillai

14. Which is the paper edited by C. Krishnan to campaign vigorously against untouchability ?
(A) Kerala Kaumudi (B) Mitavadi
(C) Desabhimani (D) Sujanandini

15.‘Ritumati’, the drama portrayed the cloistered life led by Namboothiri women, written by :
(A) V.T. Bhattathiripad
(B) M.P. Bhattathiripad  , in 1942
(C) Kurur Nilakantan Namboothiripad
(D) N. Krishna Pillai

16. The freedom fighter belong to famous Palakkad Anakkara Vadaketh family :
(A) Lalitha Prabhu (B) Parvathi Nenmani Mangalam
(C) A.V. Kuttimalu Amma (D) Arya Pallam

17. Who is the social reformer voiced against caste system and untouchability through the ‘Jathikummi’ ?
(A) P.K. Chathan Master (B) Vagbhatananda
(C) Sahodaran Ayyappan (D) Pandit K.P. Karuppan

18. The Kerala leader attended Coconada (Kakinada) congress session in 1923 and enlisted congress support in his fight for social justice :
(A) Dr. Ayyathan Gopalan (B) C. Krishnan
(C) C.V. Kunjuraman (D) T.K. Madhavan

19The social reformer Mannathu Padmanabhan delivered the ‘Muthukulam Speech’ in the year of  ……. 1947

20. Who was considered as the first Marty of Kerala Renaissance ?

Arattupuzha Velayudhan

21. Name the social reformer of Kerala prohibited the custom ‘Ettu-Mattu’ ….. Vagbadanandan

Ettu-mattu’ was an important custom among the Tiyya community in
North Malabar. The customs performed to purify a person who has ‘pula’ 83
and ‘valayma’ 84 was known as ‘Ettu’. „Mattu’ is a custom performed to purify menstruated women. These two bad customs were performed under the supervision of one of the members of Kavuthiyya and Vannan community. Those who did not observe ‘Ettu-mattu’ were ostracised from the
community.Vagbhatananda and the members of Atmavidyasangham
conducted wide propaganda against ‘Ettu-mattu’.

22. Kerala Nepolean   —- Poykayil Yohannan

23. Which of the following was the leader who not participated of Nivarthana Agitation ?
(A) C. Kesavan (B) N.V Joseph
(C) P.K Kunju (D) G.K Pillai
24. The first session of the Praja mandal be held at _____in January 1942.
(A) Irirnjalakuda (B) Cochin
(C) Vaikom (D) Kottayam

19. First Modern factory for the manufacture of coir was opened at Alleppey during the period of
(A) Utram Thirunal Marthanda Varma (B) Ayilyam Thirunal
(C) Sri Mulam Thirunal (D) Sri Chithira Tirunal

The first manufacturing factory for the coir mats was established by Mr. James Darragh (an Irish born American) together with Henry Smail at Alleppey during the year 1859.

20.Who says the Revolutionary message ‘No Caste, No Religion, No God for Man’ ?
(A) Sahodaran Ayyappan (B) Chattampi Swamikal
(C) Ayyan Kali (D) V.T. Bhattathirippad
21. First Chief Minister of Kerala from a Backward Community was
(A) R. Shanker (B) C.H. Muhammed Koya
(C) K. Karunakaran (D) Pinarayi Vijayan

22. Which of the following the Iron lady of Kerala ?
(A) Annie Mascarene (B) A. V Kuttimalu Amma
(C) Akkamma Cheriyan (D) Lalitha Prabhu

23. Which year Malayali Memorial submitted ?
(A) 1891 (B) 1896
(C) 1897 (D) 1900
24. Who was famous for woman activities of Kerala Mahila Desa Sevika Sangh ?
(A) Lalitha Prabhu (B) Arya Pallam
(C) A.V. Kuttimalu Amma (D) Anna Chandi

25. Savithrikutty Adava Vidava Vivaham is a
(A) poem (B) novel
(C) drama (D) critic

Savithri Athava Vidhavavivaham is a play by Lalithambika Antherjanam. The protagonist Savithri becomes prey to child marriage and this play narrates her life.


1. ‘Sahodara Sangam’ was founded by __________.
(A) K. Kelappan (B) Ulloor (C) Kumaranasan (D) Ayyappan

2. The leader of Guruvayoor Satyagraha was __________.
(A) K. Kelappan (B) Ayyappan
(C) Chattampi Swamikal (D) Gandhiji

3. The year of Kundara proclamation …… 1809

4. Keezhariyoor Bomb case in Kerala took place in connection with  ……. Quit India Movement

5. The founder of Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham was ….. Ayyankali

6. Tarisappalli Copper plate was issued in  849 CE by …….  Ayyanadikal Thiruvadikal

The Tharisappalli Copper Plates (849 AD) are a copper-plate grant issued by the King of Venadu (Quilon), Ayyanadikal Thiruvadikal, to the Saint Thomas Christians on the Malabar Coast

7. The second Ezhava Memorial was submitted before ……. Lord Curzon

8. In the battle of Colachel in 1741 the army of Travancore defeated  …… The Dutch

9. The ‘Muslim ‘ was a publication  owned by ……  Vakkom Maolavi

10. The first post office in Kerala was opened in 1851 at  ……. Alappuzha

11. Kerala Kala  Mandalam was founded by …. Vallathol

12. Kaneerum Kinavum is the autobiography of …….. V. T Bhatathiripad

13. Under whose leadership was the “Achipudava Strike ” organized ?

Arattupuzha Velayudhan

14. Who started a branch of the BrahmaSamaj at Calicut ? … Dr. Ayyathan Gopalan

15. The first Malayalam printing press in Kerala was established at ……. Kottayam

16. Sadhu Jana Paripalana Yogam was established by ……. Ayyankali

17. The agitation which was conducted to protest against the Constitutional Reforms of 1932 …….  Abstention Movment

18. The Diwan who was criticized by Swadeshabhimani  Ramakrishna Pillai ?

P . Rajagopalachari

19.The book 114 nte Katha deals with the life history of …….. Akkamma Cherian

10. The destination of Pattini Jatha  ……. Kannur – Chennai

21. The famous freedom fighter of Kerala who was the grandson of  the Raja of Palaghat ? …….. K.P Kesava Menon

24. Kumaran Asan’s poem Veenapoovu was first published in ……..  Mithavadi

25. The novel Enippadikal was written by ……..  Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai


1. Anantha Mahasabha was founded by ………. Brahmanandha Sivayogi

2. The poem Sahodari kurathi was authored by ……..  Sahodaran Ayyappan

3. Jnanodaya Yogam was founded in ?  1906 , founded by Sree Narayana Guru at Thalassery

4. The Ezhava Mahajana Sabha was started at …….. Palakkad

5. Balaprobodini Sanskrit Patasala was founded in Calicut  by  ………. C. Krishnan

6. Who was the General Secretary of Travancore Defence Committee ?

M.M Cherian

7.Who is known as the Stalin of Vayalar ? C .K Kumara Panikkar

8.The first Vice Chancellor of the University of Travancore  ….. C. P. Ramaswami Iyer

University of Travancore was established in 1937, long before the birth of the state of Kerala in India, by a promulgation of the Maharajah of Travancore, Sri Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma ,who was also the first Chancellor of the university. C. P. Ramaswami Iyer, the then Diwan (Prime Minister) of Travancore, was the first Vice-Chancellor.
9. The person who established the Advaita Ashram Aluva …… Sree Narayana Guru

10. Tomb  of Kuriakose Elias Chavara is situated at …. Mannanam

11. “Opinion is not an iron pestle ” is the saying of ….. C.V Kunhiraman

12.Which Dewan of Travancore issued a royal  proclamation on September 26 ,1910 ,deporting Ramakrishna pillai from Travancore  ?   Diwan  P.Rajagopalachari .

13. Al-Ameen paper was started by …… Mohammed Abdul Rahiman Sahib

14. “Not to argue and win but to know and make known” this motto was inscribed at the main entrance of ……….. Aluva Advaita Ashram .

The ashrams in Alwaye, founded in 1913 Sree Narayana Guru in order to reach, propagate as well as live the Advaita philosophy. Here he also established a Sanskrit school . In 1921, Narayana Guru presided over the annual meeting of the All Kerala Association of Brotherhood, held at Ashram.

15. Who started mirror consecration in South India ? Vaikunda Swamikal

16.The real name of Vagbhadananda ….. Kunhikkannan

17. In which year Sree Narayana Guru consecrated Siva idol at Aruvippuram ?  1888

18. “Athmanuthapam ” is written by ……. Mar Kuriakose Elias Chavara

19. Who organized Kallumala agitation ?  Ayyankali

20.Who among the following missionary opened an English school at Mattanchery in 1818 with the financial aid from the Cochin Government ?

A. Rev. J. Dawson   B. Rev.Mead   C. W.T Ringletaube     D. Bailey

21. Who authored the book Mokshapradipam ….. Brahmananda Sivayogi

22. Guruvayoor Satyagraha was started under the auspices of the …… Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee

23. In which year Ayyankali found the Sadu Jana Paripalana Yogam … 1907

24.  Name the Diwan who issued order permitting the converted Shannar women to cover their bodies with jackets ?  Col. Munro

25. Chattampi Swamikal was a __________ reformist.
(A) Ezhava (B) Pulaya (C) Nair (D) Tribal


1.A.V Kuttimalu Amma elected which legislative assembly ?   Madras Assembly -1936 .

A.V. Kuttimalu Amma (1905-1985) began her public life as an active Khadi and Swadeshi worker in 1930.She led groups of women in the picketing of foreign cloth-shops in Kozhikode in the year 1931.In 1936, she was elected to the Madras Assembly. During Quit India Movement, she was detained for two years in the Presidency jail for women. After her release in 1944, she took up the task of organizing Congress in Malabar and became KPCC President for a term.

 2.Akkamma Cheriyan  (1909-1982) popularly known as Jhansi Rani of Travancore, (Mahatma Gandhi hails ) led the Quit India Movement of 1942 while she was the Congress acting president and was imprisoned.The Travancore State Congress was formed in February 1938, In the same year she led a mass rally from Thampanoor to the Kowdiar palace to submit a petition seeking democratic freedom to the people before the King of Travancore.

3.Lakshmi N. Menon (1897-1994) was one of the founder members of the All India Women’s Conference, serving for some time as its secretary and president and also as editor of its magazine, Roshni.

4. Cochin temple entry proclamation is related to ——Paliyam Satyagraham.

5.”a revolution is a straggle to  the   death between the future and past ” a quotes of —-Fidel Castro .

6.Last visit of Gandiji in Kerala — 1937 . Mahatma Gandhiji visted five times in kerala .

First visit – 1920 –  support to Khilafath Movement- arrived at the Kozhikode railway station- visited Malabar . K .Madhavan Nair accompanied

Second visit –  1925 March 8  -March 19- support on Vaikom satyagraha – visited Sree Narayana Guru at Varkala.Gandhi visited Regent Queen Sethulakshmibhai of Travencore. He visited famous temple in Aranmula.

Third Visit –1927-Trissur – the issue raised with Untouchability – travelled across Travancore and Tirukochi and talked at many rallies at Kollam and Kochi .

Fourth Visit –1934  January 10 to 22 – for raising funds for backwards.-little girl kaumudi who donated all her ornaments to Gandhiji in front of public.He visited Sabari Ashram .

Fifth Visit -1937 – celebrate temple entry proclamation  – met with Ayyankali.

7 . Who was known as the campaigner of Swadeshi movment in Kerala —– A.V Kuttimalu Amma .

8What was the early name of Thycaud Ayya Swamikal ?
A) Kunjan Pillai   B) Kumaran
C) Narendran    D) Subharayan
9. Who was the author of ‘Veena Poovu’ ?
A) Changampuzha   B) Vallathol
C) Kumaran Asan  D) G. Shankara Kurup

Veena Poovu was first published in December 1907 in “Mithavadi,” edited by Murkoth Kumaran and published from Thalassery.
11. Kallumala Samaram of 1915 was organized by
A) Ayyankali B) K. Kelappan
C) K. Ayyappan D) Mannath Padmanabhana

Kallumala Samaram took place at Perinad and nearby villages such as Cherumoodu, Kanjavely etc. in, Kollam district on October 24, 1915. The agitation is also known as Perinad Lahala or Perinad Mutiny.
12. Who was the founder of ‘Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha’ ?
A) Vagbhatanandan B) Brahmananda Siva Yogi
C) Poikayil Yohannan  D) T. M. Varghese

Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha was founded in 1909 . The PRDS has its head office located at Eraviperoor, Pathanamthitta
13. Chattampi Swamikal had taken his last breath at
A) Vaikom   B) Panmana , 5 May 1924
C) Sivagiri   D) Chempazhanthi

Chattampi Swamikal Born  on 25 August 1853 at Kollur , Trivandrum .

14.The real name of Brahmananda Sivayogi ?  Karatt Govinda Menon

15.  The weekly Vivekodayam was published under the leadership of ……. Palpu and Kumaranasan .

16.Munthiri Kinar is related to which social reformer in Kerala ……. Vaikunda swamikal  , He constructed a public well called “Munthirikkinar” or “Swamikkinar” or “Manikkinar”.He organised “Panthibhojanam”

17. Who said ” i am the leader , shoot me first before you kill others ” ? …… Akkamma Cheriyan . Accamma Cherian led a mass rally from Thampanoor to the Kowdiar Palace of the Maharaja Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma to revoke a ban on State Congress.The agitating mob also demanded the dismissal of the Dewan, C. P. Ramaswami Aiyar, against whom the State Congress leaders had levelled several charges. On hearing the news M. K. Gandhi hailed her as ‘The Jhansi Rani of Travancore’. She was arrested and convicted for violating prohibitory orders in 1939.

18. The autobiography of A. K Gopalan ? …..In the cause of the people .

19.In which year  K. Ayyappan organized  Misra Bhojanam at Cherayi……..1917

20. Who was the first female Judge in an Indian High Court …… Anna Chandy . Fatima Bivi J, was first female judge of Supreme Court.And Leila Seth J, was the first female judge to become chief justice of any High Court (of Delhi).

21.Who was hailed as Jhansi Rani of Travancore by M. K Gandhi ….Akkamma Cheriyan .

22.Al-Ameen , the newspaper from Kozhicode was started by ……. Mohammed Abdul Rahiman Sahib , during 1924–1939

23.Which of the following Missionary organization had started a girls school at Alappuzha in the first quarter of 19th century …..CMS.  The first school for girls was started by Amelia Baker in Kottayam in 1820. A significant figure in the 19th century was Kuriakose Elias Chavara, who started a system called “A school along with every church” to make education available for both poor and rich.

24. Samathva samajam was founded by …... Vaikunta Swami .

25. Who was the leader of Savarna Jatha organized in support of Vaikom Sathyagraha ….. Mannathu pathmanabhan . Vaikom Sathyagraham ..1924 ,  Leaders T K Madhavan and K P Kesava Menon


Who is known as Abraham Lincoln of Kerala?
A:-Dr Palpu
C:-Pandit Karuppan
D:-Sreenarayana Guru
In which year N S S was formed?
B:-1914  october 31.  Mannathu Padmanabhan – Perunna .
Who was the first General Secretary of SNDP Yogam in 15 May 1903 ?
A:-Kumaran Asan
B:- G K Pillai
D:-Sri Narayana Guru
Who is the Spiritual leader of PRDS , 1909 ?
B:-Pambadi John Joseph
C:-Poikayil Yohannan
D:-Kallara Sukumaran
Where was the Kayyal Sammelanam conducted under the leadership of Pandit Karuppan?
Admavidya Sangaham was founded by….In 1920.
A:-Thycaud Ayya
C:-Viakunda Swami
D:-Brahmanada Sivayogi
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Ayyankali found  sadhu Jana paripalana Sangam in……. at Venganoor .
           A- 1907      B-   1915     C-  1916       D-  1911

8. Sree Narayana Guru was born at – Chempazhanthi  in 1856 Agust 20.

9.  Sree Narayana Guru died at Varkala  in 1928 September 20 .

10. Islamika Dharma Paripalana Yogam was founded by – Vakkom Abdul khadar Moulavi.

11. Samatva  Samajam was founded by in 1836  – Vaikunda Swamikal.

12 . Kerala Pulaya Maha Sabha founded by K . P Chathan Master in 1970 in Thiruvananthapuram .K. P Chathan Master is the first Dalit Minister of  Kerala in the 1957 EMS government .

13. Darmabhada Sangam was founded by – swami Bodhananda .

14. Basha poshini sabha was founded in the year – 1891 . Bhashaposhini was first published in 1892 as a literary journal of the Bhashaposhini Sabha. The founding editor –  Kandathil Varghese Mappillai .

15.Which struggle is known as  Upper cloth rebellion – Channar Revolt -1813 to 1859 july 26 . Charles Trevelyan Madras governor .

16 . Manjeri political  conference of congress in 1920 was presided by – Kasthuri Ranga Iyengar .

17 . The movement started against the administrative reforms introduced in Travancore in1932 – Nivarthana Agitation.

Nivarthana Agitation  /Abstention movement which was fought mainly on the model of the non-cooperation movement. Ezhavas, Christians and Muslims demanded for representation in the Legislature in proportion to their numerical strength. Travancore Diwan Sir C.P. Ramaswamy Iyer tried to suppress the agitation.Leaders :N.V.Joseph,  T.M.Varghese  and C.Kesavan .

18. Barrister G. P Pillai was associated with – Malayali Memorial -1892.

19. The event which led to the  the entry proclamation of Kochi on  1947 – 48 .
(A) Guruvayur Satyagraha       (B) Paliyam Satyagraha
(C) Vaikom Satyagraha               (D) Payannur Satyagraha

Paliyam satyagraha was officially inaugurated by C Kesavan on 4 December 1947.Under the leadership of Yogakshema sabha,Namboothiri women P Priyadhatta,E S Saraswathi,I C Priyadhatta,Arya Pallam Arya thampuratti and Indira thampuratti played an important role.
* On 100 th day of sathyagraha in March 1948 A G Velayudhan was killed in a police lathi charge.
* In April 1948 temple entry proclamation was done by Kochi Raja.

20. The autobiography ‘Atmakatha (1973) ’ was written by :
(A) Arya Pallam (B) Akkamma Cheriyan
(C) Lalithambika Antharjanam (D) Anna Chandy

Anna Chandy ‎: ‎First woman Judge of India.  Shrimati, a magazin .

21. The Social reformer who adopted the method of ‘Misrabhojanam’ to fight against the evils of caste system.
(A) Sahodara Ayyappan (B) Ayyankali
(C) Chattampi Swamikal (D) Sree Narayana Guru

Sahodara Ayyappan was one of the outspoken followers of Sree Narayana Guru. He was born at cherai in vyppin island. In 1917 at cherai, he organized a misra bojanam. He formed an organization called sahodara sangam. He was also known as pulaya ayyappan. He started the journel ” sahodaran”  from Mattancherry.He became the founder editor of the magazine “Yukthivadhi” 1928 .He wrote a caption “Yuktiyenthy manusiante-budhisakthi ghanichathil-labhichathallathillonnum-lokavijnana rasiyil” as well as many other poems. Ayyappan proclaimed his slogan of Jati Venda, Matham Venda, Daivam Venda Manushyanu (No Caste, No Religion, No God for Human-beings) .He is one of the founding fathers of the trade unionism in Kerala. In 1928, Ayyappan was elected to Cochin Legislative Council of which he continued to be a member for the next 21 years

23. Kerala Sahitya Charitram was his monumental work published in Five volumes after his death.
(A) Chandu Menon (B) Ulloor S. Parameswara Iyer
(C) G. Sankara Kurup (D) Kesav Dev




1. Kallumala Samaram of 1915 was organized by
A) Ayyankali B) K. Kelappan
C) K. Ayyappan D) Mannath Padmanabhana
2. Who was the founder of ‘Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha’ ?
A) Vagbhatanandan B) Brahmananda Siva Yogi
C) Poikayil Yohannan D) T. M. Varghese
3. Chattampi Swamikal had taken his last breath at
A) Vaikom B) Panmana
C) Sivagiri D) Chempazhanthi

4.In which date was the 1st railway line commissioned in Kerala ……..12th March 1861

5. The two Malayalam Newspaper called Rajyasamacharam and Paschimodayam where started by ……….. Herman Gundart

6. Who was the leader of the Kurichya Revolt of 1812 ……..Rama Namby

7.The first social reformer to make mirror consecration in south India ….. Ayya Vaikunar

Sampooranathevan also known as Muthukutty was born in 1809 to Ponnu Nadar and Veyilal Amma at Poovandanthope in the Kanyakumari District .

8.The author of the work Atmopadesa Satakam …….. Sree Narayana Guru .

9. Who published the Arabic Malayalam monthly Al-Islam ? …. Vakkom Abdul Khadar Moulavi

10. The leader of the pattini jatha from Kannur to Madras in 1936 …….A .K.G

11. In Which year was the Nivarthana Movment started ? … 1932 .

12. Who author the work Onnekal Kodi Malayalikal  ?…………. E.M.S.Namboothiripadu .

13. Name the first president of the Travancore State Congress  ……. Pattom A. Thanu Pillai

14. Sahodara Sangam was founded at ……… Cherai

In 1917 at cherai, Ayyappan  organized a misra bojanam. He formed an organization called sahodara sangam. He was also known as pulaya ayyappan. He started the journel “sahodaran“.He became the founder editor of the magazine “Yukthivadhi”.

15 . The organization called ‘samyuktha Rashtriya Samithi ‘ was formed in connection with  ……. Abstetion Movment  1932.

NIVARTHANA AGITATION/ ABSTENTION MOVEMENT. The “Nivarthana agitation” of the early thirties was to secure adequate representation for the Ezhavas, Christians and Muslims in the State Legislature.  Travancore Diwan Sir C.P. Ramaswamy Iyer tried to suppress the agitation. Agitators formed Samyukta Rashtriya Samiti  1932 December 17 ,and requested the voters to abstain from voting. ( Abstention movement). Kerala Kesari was the mouth piece of Abstention movement . A.K. Gopalan described the movement as a new chapter in the history of Travancore . On 13th May 1935
the Joint Political Congress held a conference at Kozhencherry in central
Travancore with C. Kesavan as President .

16. Who wrote the famous work Jathikummi ? …… Pandit Karuppan .



1 . “Muslim Janavum Vidhyabyasavum” a notable work of :
(A) Makthi Thangal (B) Dr. C.K. Kareem
(C) Veliyamkode Umer Khasi (D) Prof. U. Muhamm

Makthi Thangal :- Ponnani – Publication Nabi Nayanam.He is considered as the pioneer of Kerala muslim renaissance and the ‘Islahi movements of Kerala’. He was the first Malabar Muslim to write a book in native language of Malayalam named Kadora Kodaram in year 1884. In 1885 he wrote another book named Parpokari and it was noted as initiative for the reformation work. Muslim Janavum Vidyabyasavum (Muslims and education) was one of his notable work promoting the educational reformation of society .

2. Who made primary education compulsory in Travancore ?
(A) Colonel Manro           (B) Swathi Tirunal
(C) Rani Guri Parvathi Bai     (D) Rani Laksmi Bai

3. Which woman leader became popular with Karivellur Struggle ?
(A) K.R. Gauri Amma      (B) A.V. Kuttimalu Amma
(C) Kaumudi Teacher     (D) K. Devayani

4. An exiled Mappila leader from Malabar by British collector H.V. Conoly :
(A) Sayyid Alavi Thangal       (B) Sayyid Jiffri Thangal
(C) Sayyid Shihab Thangal    (D) Sayyid Fazal Thangal

He was the only son of Mamburam Thangal . The mappila retaliated for Fazal Thangal’s exile by killing Conolly. Manjeri revolt 1842 ,The Kollathoor revolt broke out on 22 August 1851 ,a revolt at Mattannur was the last rebellion before the exile to Arabia of Sayyid Fadl, and the first at northern Malabar.

5. The Nampoothiri woman who is nominated to the Cochin Legislative assembly to render  advice on the Nampoothiri bill :
(A) Lalitha Prabhu  :- is the famous woman activist of Kerala Mahila Desa Sevika Sangh .   (B) Lalithambika Antharjanam
(C) Arya Pallem

(D) K. Devayani :- woman leader became popular with Karivellur Struggle .

6. Who among the following poets is known as RASHTRAKAVI ?
(A) Pallath Raman          (B) K.P. Karuppan
(C) M. Govinda Pai         D) N.V. Krishna Warrier

Manjeshwar Govinda Pai, also known as Rastrakavi Govinda Pai, was a Kannada poet. He was awarded the first Rashtrakavi title by the Madras Government.

7. Purogamana Sahitya Samiti (Progressive Writers Association) was founded in the year :
(A) 1937   (B) 1928    (C) 1932     (D) 1941

8. Which of the following townships has a college named after Velu Thampi Dalawa ?
(A) Neyyattinkara   (B) Dhanuvechapuram
(C) Attingal     (D) Parassala

9.  Sarvodaya leader M.P. Manmadhan is associated with :
(A) Khadi Movement    (B) Prohibition Movement
(C) Hindi Movement     (D) Abstention Movement

10. Kerala Provincial Congress Committee came into existence in :
(A) 1919   (B) 1928    (C) 1924    (D) 1921

11 . “Hunger March” of 1936 from Kannur to Chennai was led by :
(A) K. Kelappan    (B) P. Krishna Pillai
(C) N.C. Shekhar   (D) A.K. Gopalan .

-Yachana Yathra was led by V.T. Bhattathirippadu in 1931 from Trichur to Chandragiri river which lasted for seven days. Aim of this begging march was to enable the poor children to get educated.

Hunger March led by AKG in 1936 July raising the demands of peasants imparted a new vigour to this sector .There were 32 persons in the March.

12.  Ezhava memorial was in :
(A) 1891 -Malayali memorial      (B) 1924 – Vaikom Sathyagraham
(C) 1896        (D) 1932  Nivarthana Agitation

Dr . Palpu ,  Ritty Lukose describes him as the “political father” of the Ezhavas,  who attempted to use data from the 1891 census to highlight inequalities in Travancore society and he again made demands in 1895, when he petitioned the Diwan of Travancore. In 1896, he organised a petition that attracted the signatures of 13,176 Ezhavas. This letter was presented to the Maharajah of Travancore and demanded their right to admission in schools run by the colonial government and access to employment in public service . Upon receiving negative response , they submitted  second “Ezhava Memorial” to  Lord  Curzon,  the Viceroy  of India, during his visit to Trivandrum in 1900. This memorial also faced failure.

Malayali Memorial –  A memorandum signed  by  10,028  persons from all castes was submitted to the Maharaja Sree Moolam Thirunal on January 1, 1891 requested  to secure jobs for the educated Keralaites in the Travancore civil service. “Travancore for Travancoreans ” slogan is related with Malayali memorial.  G.Parameswaran  Pillai  (Barrister G.P.Pillai),  R.Ranga  Rao  , Dr. Palpu and  N.Raman Pillai were  the master brains of this movement.

13. Hunter commission under W.W. Hunter was appointed in :
(A) 1857       (B) 1864
(C) 1882       (D) 1888

Hunter Commission: Hunter Education Commission was founded in 1882 by Lord Ripon (1880-1884 AD) during the British rule. The government appointed the commission under the chairmanship of William Wilson Hunter to review the progress made in the field of education by Charles Wood’s Despatch of 1854 .

14. First printing press in Kerala was started at :
(A) Alappuzha   (B) Thiruvananthapuram
(C) Kozhikodu    (D) Kottayam

C.M.S Press, the first printing press in Kerala was established in 1821 by Rev. Benjamin Baily, a British missionary, at Chalukunnu in Kottayam district.The first Malayalam Book printed in Kerala, ‘Cherupaitangalku Upakarardham Englishil ninnu Paribhashapedutiya Kadhakal’,by Benjamin Baily was printed at CMS press in Kottayam in 1824 .Press published complete Malayalam translation of the Bible in 1842 and a Malayalam- English Dictionary in 1846 .Njananikshepam ,the first printed News paper published in Kerala, has been printed and published from 1848 from this press.

15. The social reformer who conducted Pantibhojanam for the first time in India :
(A) Ayyankali     (B) Dr. Palpu
(C) Pandit Karuppan     (D) Thycaud Ayya

16. The first President of SNDP was :
(A) Kumaranasan       (B) C.V. Kunjiraman
(C) Sree Narayana Guru    (D) C. Kesavan

SNDP was founded in 1903 may 15  with the guidance and blessings of Sree Narayana Guru.

17. Who appointed a Director of Public instruction to co-ordinate educational activities in Travancore?
(A) Sri Mulam Tirunal   (B) Gauri Lakshmi Bai
(C) Utram Tirunal      (D) Gauri Parvatibai

The beginning of modern education in Travancore was generally
traced to this issue of the royal rescript in 1817 by Queen Gouri Parvathi Bayi
under the advice of the Resident Colonel Munro.  A few English medium schools were established in 1834. The government itself started an English medium school; the Raja’s Free school at Trivandrum.Travancore government entered significantly into the field of education during the administration of Dewan T. Madhava Rao (1 862-1 874) .Government started its first school for girls at Karamana in Trivandrum in 1859.Vernacular schools separately for girls were organised in 1867. . In
1904, government declared that free universal primary education would be the
direct responsibility of the state.  Restrictions on admissions of pupils on the basis of caste were removed in 191 1 . Primary education was declared free and compulsory in the state in 1955. Kerala Education Rules of 1959 is the outcome of the Kerala education
bill of 1957 .

Rev. Ringletaube, the first Protestant missionary to evangelise in Travancore, started a school in the village of Mylady in 1806 . Sree Narayana Guru  founded a school at Aruvippuram and another at Varkala in which the medium of instruction was English.  The first school of the depressed community was started by Aiyan Kali in 1905 in his own village at Vengannoor in Trivandrum. Owing to the efforts of Aiyan Kali and Kumaran Asan and their organisations in the Assembly and outside, the government threw open all its schools to all castes in 191 2.The first Muslim school was
started in 191 1 in Crangannore under the initiative of Seethi Muhammed Sahib .

18. Who hailed Akkamma Cheriyan as the Jansi Rani of Travancore ?

Mahathma Gandhi .

19. Name the freedom fighter who went to the jail with her two month old baby due to the participation in civil disobedience movement ? Kuttimalu Amma .

20.C.V Kunjiraman was the founder of  -Kerala Kaumudi.

21.Thali incident – Kamala Prabhu.

22.Name the first editor of Swadeshabimani – C.P Govinda Pillai.

23.Subharayar is the real name of ……. Thycaudu Ayya.

24. Freedom to walk in public roads for dalits  Ayyankali conducted  a famous agitation in 1893 is —-Villuvandi agitation .

25. The socialreformer who related to “Mookuthisamaram” and ‘Achipudava’samaram ? Velayudha Panikkar


Who ended the Satyagraha before the Guruvayoor temple on October 2, 1932 on Gandhiji’s advice?
(A) K. Kelappan     (B) P. Krishnapillai
(C) A.K. Gopalan    (D) Sundarayya
 In recognition of the service to the Harijan community –––––––––––– was nominated as a member of the Sri Mulam Praja Sabha.
(A) K. Ramakrishna Pillai   (B) Seethi Koya Tangal
(C) Ayyankali    (D) Chattampi Swamikal
K.A. Keraleeyans name is associated with :
(A) Karshakasangham   (B) Kayyur revolt
(C) Malabar Rebellion       (D) Morazha revoltKolachery Karshaka Sangham was formed with Vishnu Bharatheeyan as President and K.A. Keraleeyanas Secretary. By September 1935
 Athma Bodhodaya Sangam was founded by :
(A) Poykayil Yohannan (B) Shubanand Gurudevan
(C) Kumaranasan (D) Pambadi John Joseph .      Subhananda Gurudev founded an Organization, the Atma Bodhodaya Sangham  with its head quarters at Cherukole,Mavelikara, supporting the belief of ‘One Caste, One Religion andOne God for the Mankind‘, for achieving ultimate Self Realization.
 Travancore State Congress formed in :
(A) 1931   (B) 1933   (C) 1936   (D) 1938In 1938, the Travancore State Congress came into being. Pattom Thanu Pillai was its first president. C. Kesavan, P. K. Kunju, T.M Varghese were the other prominent leaders of the State Congress
 Kundara Proclamation was in the year :
(A) 1801 (B) 1805 (C) 1807 (D) 1809
Sawhrida Jadha associated with Paliyam Sathyagraha was led by :
(A) K. Devayani    (B) K.K. Kausalya
(C) Akkama Cheriyan (D) Sarada Ammal
The person who is known as Swami Vivekananda of Kerala :
(A) Arattu puzha Velayuda Panikkar
(B) T.K. Madhavan
(C) Agamananda Swamikal
(D) Kumbalath Sanku Pillai
Kerala Kala Mandalam started in the year :
(A) 1928   (B) 1930   (C) 1932   (D) 1935Kerala Kalamandalam was inaugurated in November 1930 at Kunnamkulam, Kakkad, and was later shifted to the village of Cheruthuruthy, just south of Shoranur in 1933.
Who is known as ‘Alathoor Swamikal’?
A:-Brahmananda Sivayogi founded the Ananda Maha Sabha and Anandamatham .
B:-Chattampi Swamikal
C:-Ayya Vaikundar
D:-Kumara Guru-11.  The author of ‘Advaita Chintapadhathi’
A) Chattambi Swamikal
B) Vaikunda Swamikal
C) Dayananda Swamikal
D) Brahmananda Sivayogi

1.The historical novel Kerala Simham was written by …….. Sardhar K .M Panikkar

2. The Progressive Writers Association was formed in the year ………1937

3. Drama Pattabakki was written by …… K Damodaran.   He was the first progressive writer in Malayalam. ‘pattabakki‘ was the first political drama to be staged in kerala .

4. Who was known known to the world of letters by his pen name kesari…….. Vengayil Kunhiraman Nayanar.

5. Malayala Bhasha Vyakaranam , the first comprehensive grammatical work in malayalam was prepared by  ………  Herman Gundart , 1959 .

6. Who founded ‘Nizhal Thankals ‘as worshipping centres for low caste people Vaikunta Swamikal .

7 Early name of Brahmanandha Sivayogi ?  Karattu Govindankutty .

8. Who is the author of  Kristhumatha Niroopanam  ? Chattampi swamikal

9. Foundar of Advaitha Asramam in Aluva – Sree Narayana Guru ,  founded in 1913  .

10. The mouth piece of SNDP yogam was —- Vivekodayam ,  is a Malayalam literary journal established in 1904. It was founded by Kumaran Asan .

11. Editor of the news paper Mitavadi started  on 1913 .    C.Krishnan . Mitavadi was the “Bible” of the socially depressed.

The ‘Mithavadi‘ magazine which turned out to be a change agent of the social conditions in the Malabar region was launched in 1906. This publication from Thalassery also carries the literary significance of publishing for the first time, the famous poem by the great poet Sri Kumaranasan .

12.Who started the newspaper Ezhava  Kaumudi  ,1911……. C.V Kunjiraman

13. Who was arrested after Kozhencherry speech  on May 13, 1935……. C.Kesavan.  From 1933 C. Kesavan was one of the prominent leaders of the abstention movement of Travancore. Because of a speech he made at a public meeting in Kozhencherry he was arrested onJune 7, 1935.

14. Which poem of Kumaran Asan has the theme of intercaste marriage  …...Duravastha .

15.The author of sarcastic poem Jathikkummi  …..  pandit K .p Karuppan

16.Founder of Athmavidya Sangam  ….Vagbhadanandha

17.Who started the newspaper  Velakkaran ……Sahodharan Ayyappan

18 . Drama Adukkalayil Ninnum Arangathekku ……. V. T Bhattathirippad.

19. Which was the earliest fort built in Kerala ?

A. Fort William   B. Fort  St. George    C. Fort Angelo    D.Fort Manuel

Fort Manuel is a ruined fort located at the Fort Kochi beach of Fort Kochi on the shores of the Arabian Sea . In 1503 AD the Rajah of Kochi granted permission to the Portuguese to build Fort Emmanuel .

Pallippuram Fort is a fort in Pallippuram, Vyppin, Ernakulam district of Kerala, south India. It was built by the Portuguese in 1503 and is the oldest existing European fort in India.The Dutch captured the fort in 1661 and sold it to the Kingdom of Travancore in 1789. The fort is situated in the northern extremity of Vypeen island and is hexagonal in shape, a form popularly known as ayikkotta or alikotta.

St. Angelo’s Fort was built in 1505 by Dom Francisco de Almeida, the first Portuguese Viceroy of India on the Arabian sea coast about 2 km from Kannur town. The Dutch captured the fort from the Portuguese in 1663.The Dutch sold the fort to king Ali Raja of Arakkal in 1772. In 1790 the British seized it and used it as their chief military station in Malabar until 1947.

Fort William is a fort in Calcutta (Kolkata), built during the early years of the Bengal Presidency of British India. It sits on the eastern banks of the River Hooghly .

Fort St George (or historically, White Town) is the name of the first English (later British) fortress in India, founded in 1644 at the coastal city of Madras, the modern city of Chennai.

20. Who said ‘Whatever may be the religion ‘, it is enough if man becomes good ‘?—Sree Narayana Guru.

21. Who was the founder of Yoga Kshema Sabha ?—V.T Battathirippad

22.Who was the first lower cast representative in ‘Travancore Legislative Assembly ‘?—Ayyankali

23. Which incident was hailed by Gandhiji as ‘Miracle of modern times ‘?

A. Vaikkom Sathyagraham –1924 -1925 :against untouchability in Hindu society.

B. Aruvippuram prathihta –  in the year 1888.

C. Guruvayoor sathyagraham – led by K. Kelappan ,1931-32.

D. Temple entry proclamation –  issued by Maharaja Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma in 1936 November  12 .

24 . Who was the author of ‘Samshepavedartham’ the first complete printed book in
Malayalam ?
A) Fr Clement          B) Arnos Patiri
C) Dr. Anjelos Francis   D) Fr Kariyattil Ousep

25.Which one of the following is not the work of C. V. Kunjuraman ?
A) Ente Sreekovil    B) Radhamani
C) Oru Sandesam   D) Kannirum Kinavum

1. Suez Canal was nationalized in
A) 1952  B) 1956    C) 1964   D) 1966
2. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place on
A) 5 February, 1919    B) 13 April, 1919
C) 17 July, 1919      D) 16 October, 1919
3. Sri Narayana Guru founded the Sivagiri Centre in
A) 1904    B) 1913    C) 1921     D) 1924

4. The Temple Entry Proclamation was made by Sri Chitra Tirunal Balarama Varma on
A) 1 November, 1936    B) 3 November, 1936
C) 12 November, 1936     D) 16 November, 1936
5. The length between the two rails of broad gauge is
A) 1667 mm    B) 1767 mm    C) 1766 mm    D) 1676 mm
6. International Human Rights Day is celebrated on
A) 10 December    B) 5 June
C) 27 September    D) 24 October
7. Brahmananda Sivayogi formed a new philosophy called
A) Jnanayoga     B) Anandadarsa
C) Mokshapradypa     D) Jnanaprajasagaram
8. The poem ‘Veena Poovu’ was written by
A) Ullur S. Parameswara Iyer     B) Vallathol Narayana Menon
C) Kumaran Asan     D) Sankara Kurup
9. The ‘Tatwa Prakasika Ashram’ was started by
A) V. T. Bhattathirippad      B) Chattampi Swamikal
C) Sahodaran Ayappan      D) Vagbhatananda

10. Who among the following was imprisoned with her two month old baby due to her
participation in the Civil Disobedience Movement ?
A) A. V. Kuttimalu Amma    B) Thottekkattu Madhavi Amma
C) Karthyaniamma D) Lalitha Prabhu
11. The Guruvayur Satyagraha was started on
A) 22 November, 1931    B) 5 November, 1931
C) 16 November, 1931     D) 1 November, 1931

11. Who among the following was a member of Cochin Legislative Council for a period of
three years ?
A) Barrister G.P. Pillai    B) C. Krishnan
C) Moorkoth Kumaran  D) Pandit K.P. Karuppan

12. What was the motto of the Malabar Economic Union founded by Dr. Palpu ?
A) Industry through confidence   B) Thrive through industry
C) Profit through industry   D) Industry through union
13. ‘Sadhujan Dootan’ is associated with
A) Ayyan Kali   B) K.P. Vellon
C) Pampadi John Joseph  D) Kumara Guru
14. Who published the weekly ‘Dharma Poshini’ ?
A) Dr. Ayyathan Gopalan  B) Velukkutty Arayan
C) T.K. Madhavan  D) C.V. Kunjuraman

For the development of rural fisheries, Dr Velukutty Arayan forwarded a project called Inland Fisheries Scheme. 200. The publications of Dr Velukkuty Arayan were Dharma Poshini Weekly, Samadhanam Montly, Theeradesam Weekly, Kalakeralam Montly and Chiri Montly.
15. ‘Veenapoovu’ written by Kumaran Asan was first published in
A) Mithavadi   B) Vivekodayam
C) Prabhatham  D) Swadeshabhimani

16. The Temple Entry Proclamation was issued in
A) 1836 B) 1837
C) 1936 D) 1937
17. Maharaja of Kerala who abolished all restrictions in regard to the dress code
A) Uthram Thirunal B) Anizham Thirunal
C) Aayillam Thirunal D) Srimoolam Thirunal

18.The social reformer who gave leadership to ‘Kallumala Samaram’.
A) Pandit Karuppan B) Ayyankali
C) Dr. Palpu D) Sahodaran Ayyappan
19. Who wrote ‘Aasante Seetakaviyam’ ?
A) Sukumar Azhikode B) O.V. Vijayan
C) Vallathol D) Kumaranasan

20. Who is known as Kerala scot ?
A) C. V. Ramanpillai
B) N. Krishnapillai
C) M. T. Vasudevan Nair
D) Vennikulam Gopalakurup

21. The author of ‘Advaita Chintapadhathi’
A) Chattambi Swamikal
B) Vaikunda Swamikal
C) Dayananda Swamikal
D) Brahmananda Sivayogi

22. The father of modern Kerala Renaissance Movement.
A) Chattampi Swamikal B) Sri Narayanaguru
C) Thacaud Ayya D) Vakkam Moulavi

23.The leader of Guruvayoor Satyagraha

A) T. K. Madhavan   B) K. P. Kesava MenonC) K. Kelappan    D) C. V. Kunjiraman

24.What was the early name of Thycaud Ayya Swamikal ?
A) Kunjan Pillai   B) Kumaran
C) Narendran    D) Subharayan
25. Who was the author of ‘Veena Poovu’ ?
A) Changampuzha   B) Vallathol
C) Kumaran Asan  D) G. Shankara Kurup


1. The first secretary of S.N.D.P. Yogam , 1903 May 15 :
(A) Kumrranasan (B) Dr. Palpu
(C) Sree Narayana Guru (D) Vellappilly Nadesan

SNDP was founded in 1903 with the guidance and blessings of Sree Narayana Guru.
2. The Perinad ryot happened in
(A) 1911 (B) 1915 , Ayyankali
(C) 1913 (D) 1904

3.Who was given the title of ‘Kavithilakam’ by Maharaja of Cochi ?
(A) Vagbhadananda (B) Pandit Karuppan
(C) Kumara Guru (D) Kumaranasan

4. The book ‘Moksha Pradeepam’ is authored by
(A) Brahmananda Sivayogi (B) Vaikunta Swamikal
(C) Sree Narayana Guru (D) Vagbhadananda

5. Where is the first branch of ‘Brahma Samaj’ started in Kerala ?
(A) Kochi (B) Palakkad
(C) Kannur (D) Kozhikode
Which is the second highest mountain peak of the world?





The _________ are the hot springs of Sikkim  .
What are the main occupations of Sikkimese people ?

Domestication of animals

Both of the above

None of the above

Growing only tea

What is the state bird of Sikkim?
Blue crane

Green Swallow

Blood pheasant


Shikara Kite

Which crops are grown in Sikkim ?



All of the above

None of the above

What is Punjab's embroidered footwear called ?





What are the major rivers of Sikkim ?


Both of the above



Which  is the city / town that is called 'the Manchester of India' ?



Zemu town


What is the home to the Royal Bengal Tigers ?




All of the above

What is the state bird of Punjab ?

Eastern Shuic Kite

Black Woodpecker

Indian night black jack eagle

Indian green cockroach eater

Which of the following river does not flow in West Bengal ?





WHich is the main religion of Punjab ?



Muslim Religion


Which of the following are a part of the Himalayas?



All of the above

The Thar desert is NOT in which of the following states




The largest delta of the world  is formed by the rivers



All of the above

Brahmaputra and Ganges

Which of the following is not a part of the Central Plateau ?
Malwa Plateau

Chota Nagpur Plateau

Western Ghats

Deccan Plateau

Rivers that flow westward are
Tapi, Mandovi, Sutlej, and Jhelum

Jhelum, Indus, Teesta, Ravi, and Chenab

Tapi, Mandovi, Narmada and Zuari

The Capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands is

Port Blair



The Andaman and Nicobar islands are a group of how many islands?




Lake Chilka is found in
Konkan coast

Coromandel coast

Malabar Coast

Which of the following are NOT islands of the Arabian Sea:




Which of the following are tribes of Jammu and Kasmir?




Which of the following are the neighboring states of Punjab?
Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana

Kashmir Rajasthan and Uttaranchal

Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Rajastan and Haryana

Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka

The chief crops grown in Punjab are:
Tea, jute and cotton

Wheat, rice and cotton

Rubber, coffee, tea and cardomon

The Bread Basket of India is

West Bengal


Andaman and Nicobar

The green revolution of Punjab started in

Late 1960s



Which of the following is a hill station of West Bengal



The Bhakra-Nangal Dam is built across which river of Punjab?



The National Bird of India is ___________________.
______________ is known as National Capital Territory
The capital of Arunachal Pradesh is _________________________ .
The capital of Bihar is _______ .
The capital of Chattisgarh is ______________.
The capital of Goa is _______________ .
The capital of Haryana is ________ .
The capital of Himachal Pradesh is __________________.
The capital of Jammu and Kashmir is ________ .
The capital of Jharkhand is _______.
What does SAARC stand for ?
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

South American Academy for Regional Clarinets

South Asian Association for Religious Cooperation

West Bengal is located in the :
North of India

West of India

East of India

What are the three neighboring countries of West Bengal?
Pakistan, China, Nepal

Chile, Argentina, Brazil

Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan

The _______________________________ is the national animal of India
______ is the largest state of India
The smallest state of India is :




Hyderabad is the capital of ______________.
The capital of Assam is ___________________ .
The capital of Gujarat is _______________ .
The capital of Karnataka is
Boro is a language of the state of _________.
Tezpur, Dibrugarh, Silchar and Guwahati are all cities that are in the state of _______.
Maithili, Bhojpuri, Magadhi, Urdu and Hindi are languages spoken in which of the following states?

West Bengal


Himachal Pradesh

Which of the following rivers flow through Bihar?




Tea is a major crop of which of the following states?
Uttar Pradesh




Which of the following rivers DOES NOT flow through West Bengal?




Which of the following cities are NOT in West Bengal?



D. Siliguri
Secretariat Assistant exam

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